Example sentences of "[pers pn] was this [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It was this ignorance which had led one of the officers of the LEA to criticize one of the earliest reports submitted as being mainly descriptive and not sufficiently ‘ evaluative ’ ( Clift , Chapter 2 in this volume ) .
2 Lord McCluskey added : ‘ It was this child who sustained injuries to his person and who died in consequence of personal injuries sustained by him . ’
3 It was this principle which had saved Virgin from collapse in the wake of the Customs and Excise fine ten years before ; it was the principle , Branson believed , that would now secure the company 's future .
4 It was this principle which applied in Hughes .
5 It was this factor which contributed heavily to the successes achieved by the French army in the 1370s .
6 The Korean War and several other border wars , backed by the super-powers , had been judged not worth pressing the nuclear button for and it was this consideration which had produced the British H-Bomb in 1957 .
7 Again , it was this issue which caused discussions to founder .
8 It was this issue which lay at the heart of Dicey 's concern about droit administratif .
9 It was this company they sorely missed once unemployed .
10 It was this Stewart who really stimulated the growth and pride of Edinburgh .
11 It was this defiance which led to his beating .
12 In the university field it was this problem which generated the appearance of the Atkinson Report ( see pp.9–10 ) itself a political solution .
13 And it was this message which , haltingly , the Tsar and some of his ministers began to communicate .
14 It was this message which went out in the eighteenth century , and became enshrined in the First Amendment to the American Constitution .
15 It was this reconciliation which the grammar tried to achieve .
16 It was this base which , allowing for the unusual circumstances of the General Election of December 1923 , permitted Labour to form its first government early in 1924 .
17 In their inception , these authorities were based on the fact that the payer and payee were not on an equal footing and it was this inequality which gave rise to the right to recovery .
18 To his professional duties he had added the role of Departmental Safety Officer , and it was this experience which took him in 1977 to Imperial College in the new post of College Safety Director .
19 It was this government which ruled Britain until May 1940 , when yet another coalition , led by Churchill — a genuine all-party coalition — governed Britain until 1945 , when there was a return to party politics and alternating governments .
20 That happens to be a fact , and it was this Government who set out to do something about it .
21 She had never felt such a queer sensation before and was suddenly sad because it was this man who was going to take her innocence away from her .
22 In the late seventeenth century a new social attitude towards children began to strengthen , and it was this attitude which John Locke gave literary force and substance in what was to prove as influential as any work that he produced , his Some Thoughts Concerning Education , published in 1693 .
23 The four soldiers , who are now all stationed in Germany but were then in Bordon , each said in evidence that it was this incident which had persuaded them to leave the pub .
24 It was this evidence which suggested the possible model for subject choice in terms of ego-identity achievement .
25 It was this concern which was most evident in a timely article in the Fortnightly Review , in 1922 , which stated that :
26 There is , however , one way in which A's intentions can be given validity at least in part , and it was this route which was followed : the senate ruled that a provision of this sort could be interpreted as a trust on B to make over A 's estate to C. The wording A actually used would be along these lines : fidei tuae committo ut Titium heredem instituas .
27 Behind the house fields and woodland dropped gently away towards the sea coast at Lilstock , Kilve and East Quantoxhead , and it was this view which Dorothy and her brother could see from the tall sash-windows of their favourite parlour .
28 Indeed it was this failure which led ultimately to her rejection by the Conservative party which , remembering Disraeli 's warning that ‘ the Conservative party is a national party , or it is nothing ’ , was alarmed by the hostility she aroused in half the nation .
29 It was this talent which had landed him the job with the Oswaldston College of Further Education and he was already unearthing long — forgotten aspects of Lancashire social history , and writing about them in the local paper .
30 It was n't them dancing on the car , it was this chap who was doing it ?
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