Example sentences of "[pers pn] was to [be] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Now I was to be a sales assistant .
2 : I did the only thing I could think of , and retired to bed ; if I was to be a blade of grass doomed to be trampled flat , then I might as well accept it and lie down .
3 It was a number of weeks ago I had cause to sit on it to do some paperwork ; I then found out I was to be a father again .
4 I was to be an avenging angel : Justice , putting right what could not be done through the courts .
5 And it was because you told her I was to be the baby 's legal mother when the adoption went through . ’
6 As it turned out , fate had decreed that I was to be the one who would change this unhappy state of affairs .
7 I was to be the poet , he the novelist .
8 I could n't think of a single thing to say , but dimly realized that I now had my role for the evening ; I had done nothing to bring this off ; but I was to be the identifiable face of the campaign .
9 With the ploughmen and er in my own case I remember going to the house where I was er I was to be the ploughman for this so called horseman you see ?
10 One day I was called back from my duties of covering the coroner 's and juvenile courts and told that henceforth I was to be the paper 's " walking reporter " tramping the Dales and picking up whatever stories I could find .
11 By the time we eventually turned to starboard and headed off towards the UK I was most anxious to get home : I was to be the best man at a wedding that day , and I had to get back before high noon , When the dawn really appeared we were lying very sedately over ( and we were not aware of it at the time ) Belgium .
12 He had concluded that there was no likelihood of a breach of the peace , largely , it would seem , because the protesters had emphasised that theirs was to be a peaceful event .
13 She was to be a Spirit Warrior .
14 In any event , and no matter what reforms were contemplated , the issue that was posed by Marius Moutet , pre-war Minister for the Colonies in the Popular Front and shortly to become Minister for Overseas France , was whether or not France really considered herself to be a nation of 100 m. and whether or not she was to be a great power .
15 She left elementary school at fourteen to take a job filling seed packets for five shillings a week ; later she worked for a draper and subsequently for the Co-op , where she joined the union movement of which she was to be a lifelong member .
16 She was to be the Honourable Lady Penelope , a British aristocrat who was seeking the protection of an influential Wehrmacht officer after Britain had fallen to the Third Reich .
17 It was to be a memorable trip in so many different ways .
18 Of these , the first , Type 1 , was the most important ; it was to be a large multi-engine landplane capable of flying from London to New York non-stop .
19 It was to be a four-engine aircraft , possibly with gas turbines , with a range of 2,750 miles .
20 That evening , as her mother had stood at the kitchen door with the shadow of future old age lurking behind her , she had felt for the first time what it was to be a grown-up , what it was that she was missing in the never-never land of Fenna 's spell .
21 Even the soldiers in the field must 've been thoroughly sick of all those whining pieces about Our Boys and Girls , and their mail , or the endlessly recycled nonsense about how hard it was to be a female soldier in Saudi Arabia .
22 It was to be a big article .
23 For much of Act I , too , Jonathan Summers 's Posa seemed as if it was to be a rough-and-ready performance by this gifted baritone .
24 We were a little discomfited by the request , but agreed to accede to it this once ; but when we realised that it was to be a regular arrangement , we knew that we should have to move again , for over and above the inconvenience of being put out of our room , we were sure that our landlady did not even change the sheets .
25 Although the stanchions are in place it was to be a further 3 years before electrification was completed .
26 Money poured in and work began in 1493 although it was to be a century before the work was completed ; this timescale explains the stylistic variation of the church , with elements of both Renaissance and Baroque architecture .
27 ( It was to be a story with a price .
28 It was to be a ‘ free association of equal partners ’ — Local Education Authorities , teachers , employers , higher education — offering advice not only to Ministers but to all its member interests .
29 It was to be a long time before any disciples appeared to revitalize the game , and even after Busby , Shankly , Clough and others the cry still goes up ( not always reasonably ) that football is too negative .
30 It was to be a ballad based on the supernatural , as were other popular ballads of the time , and would retell in lively narrative and simple verse form an old mariner 's hypnotic tale .
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