Example sentences of "[pers pn] was [adv] [adv] [that] " in BNC.

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1 It was rather indifferently that he described to her his walk , his find , his leading of the police to the spot .
2 It was shortly afterwards that she married the bookseller . ’
3 The people of Stamford were passionately anxious that the railway should come their way , for it was plain enough that the great coaching trade , by which they lived , was doomed .
4 And she had never had much time for Angela Cartwright , who , when it came to Grunte , tended to run with the hare , though it was plain enough that she had been put out by Grunte 's placing Hyacinth on his right hand and had agreed with Carole afterwards that they would have little trouble finding the necessary fifty signatures .
5 It was here presumably that the Pathan woman had erred .
6 It was here too that the young Friedrich Nietzsche came to study philology and theology in 1864 , though he quickly abandoned the latter .
7 It was also then that Mr Kinnock showed the part of his personality he tries so hard to contain , whipping up the audience like a second-rate holiday camp entertainer .
8 It was just then that I heard it ; a small knocking sound coming from the direction of the cupboard .
9 The joke was that it was sometime later that we learnt the whole affair had been staged by Basil who had been in earlier to go through his in-tray and deal with the important memos , etc .
10 It was no longer that he had been a member of the murder gang , but that he had presided over a meeting of UDA officers in order to plan it .
11 It was probably now that Charles , at his father 's behest , stood godfather ( and gave his name ) to Pippin 's newborn second son .
12 The nineteenth century saw the mill converted to flour milling , with three pairs of millstones driven by an overshot waterwheel of 22 foot diameter , and it was probably then that a weatherboarded hoist loft was added to the building .
13 It was probably then that a military solution was firmly decided upon and additional measures taken .
14 It was Joan who told me of her death , and it was probably then that I wrote to your father and we started to exchange Christmas cards .
15 It was near here that he had found the little white orchid .
16 It was much later that I realized my subconscious tendency towards preferring complicated solutions , merely to demonstrate my clever mental logic .
17 It was quite simply that she had wanted to be with him .
18 and erm I do n't know what the idea really was , I think it was possibly so that erm , that people concerned with the Committee Meetings could erm sort themselves out and
19 It was so seldom that Aggie heard herself addressed by her surname that she turned and looked at the nun , but the woman 's eyelids were lowered as if in shame ; then she inclined her head towards the woman sitting behind the desk before turning and closing the door quietly behind her .
20 No , because er I always put it down to the fact that most of our takings were in coin , it was very seldom that you had a pound note , you possibly had a ten pound note in those days but most of it was coinage and the cash when it was married up , was put into steel bound wooden boxes .
21 All too soon it was time to go and it was almost reluctantly that she drove him back to Brooklands .
22 She fell asleep for a short time but it was about 3am that Mr and Mrs Phillips noticed she was not breathing , ’ said Mr Goldring .
23 It was only later that I discovered Ghatak was not only a director , but also , in his own , idiosyncratic way , a teacher and theorist of cinema .
24 It was only later that the aesthetic dimension of literary study became emphasized , with an accompanying concentration on the fictional genres .
25 It was only later that the significance of the surrendering of providing powers in 1930 became fully apparent to the District .
26 It was only later that the fate of the missing aircraft became known .
27 It was only later that they discovered that the mysterious column , which in the heat haze had looked like twenty-five Lancia trucks , had in fact been Timpson 's patrol .
28 It was only later that I came up with a theory for his reticence to stop and speak .
29 It was only later that he realized he had destroyed a Max Ernst .
30 It was only later that I dared to approach the nurse who did the dispensing and whisper in her ear that I knew nothing of Bach Remedies and would she please enlighten me .
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