Example sentences of "[pers pn] is used [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So it is used here in the wider sense defined by the World Health Organization as a ‘ complete physical , mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity ’ .
2 Strictly a child could be excluded from a pub garden if it is used principally as a drinking area .
3 Now it is used widely in a geographical sense for all the plains , vegetated but treeless , that lie north of the boreal forest in Europe , Siberia , North America and Greenland , up to the boundary of the polar desert .
4 However , it is used elsewhere for parliamentary elections only in Malta , Tasmania and Australia ( for the Senate ) , so that Ireland is obviously the most accessible and relevant source of evidence about its operation .
5 Research is a sophisticated modern service and it is used increasingly by public relations consultancies to help them define and create a public relations programme .
6 It is used also with modals : can , may , must , etc , as in He can come tomorrow .
7 In an attempt to improve the effective provision of intelligence to decision makers , some companies , particularly in the USA , are experimenting with various ways of developing a process of gathering information , analysing and interpreting the information and ensuring that it is used effectively in the decision-making process .
8 In this country , it is used largely for heavier garments .
9 He and his fellow cadets will have plenty of opportunity in the next two terms to practise this particular communication skill , and it is used extensively as a means of assessing cadets .
10 The outer casing is removed from these seeds and used as a food dye ; it is used extensively on washed rind cheeses .
11 Now in its sixth edition in English it is used extensively throughout the world , but has also been translated into Spanish , Portuguese and Japanese .
12 It is used extensively in Italian cooking for both sweet and savoury dishes .
13 I find it rather overpowering in fish recipes , but it is used extensively in Creole cookery and in dishes such as seafood gumbo .
14 Though not used by homoeopathic pharmacies in this country for potencies below the 1M , it is used commercially in Belgium for all potencies , and is also used when a practitioner has to make a specific potency for a particular patient , such as a potency of chloroform for a case of chloroform allergy .
15 This algorithm , if it deserves the title , becomes valuable if it is used together with one simple assumption : We assume that in almost identical circumstances , almost the same will happen again .
16 So it is used mainly for brief shots or parts of shots , or for very special effects — perhaps the most familiar being the laser swords in the Star Wars series .
17 By section 5 of the 1987 Act , the liability covered by Part I of the Act extends to : a ) death or personal injury , b ) damage to or destruction of any item of property ( including land ) other than the defective product itself ( there is a lower threshold of £275 before a claim can be made ) provided that the property ; i ) is the type normally intended for private use and consumption , and ii ) it is used mainly for the private use or consumption of the person claiming .
18 Bel Paese was created in 1906 by Galbani and is sweet and buttery ; it is used mainly as a table dessert cheese .
19 It is used mainly in the evening by guests dining in the restaurant .
20 This obviously applies when the word " language " is used in its direct sense , but it equally applies when it is used symbolically for perceptions and values .
21 It ‘ is the most difficult form of communication to learn , though since it is used only to a very limited extent , the skill is not essential to the handling of horses ’ .
22 The name is so good that it is used twice at opposite ends of the Peak District , and both routes are major middle grade classics .
23 flo plays wide midfield on norways national team — but i think he is used mainly as a target man for sheff utd. norw coach drillo wants to try a setup with one ‘ Flo ’ as both left and right wide midfielder , then trying to hit hard high , crosses from behind towards the ‘ towers ’ at the sides thus giving football a new dimension of play .
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