Example sentences of "[pers pn] is [vb pp] [prep] its " in BNC.

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1 It will be an ‘ entitlement ’ to children only if the teachers ' interpretation of it and their teaching style , as it is affected by its requirements , will make them more rather than less likely to be the teachers with the sorts of qualities which are likely to engage their learners , interests .
2 There is a limited amount of overt status to go round , and it is defined by its exclusivity .
3 Unlike the past participle and the -ing form , however , the infinitive does not evoke its event as partially or completely realized at the point in time where it is referred to its support , and so the incidence of the event to the support can itself be seen as a mere possibility .
4 It is distinguished by its flavour , the cheese being smoked before it is left to mature .
5 In practical terms it is distinguished by its location — in the seven northern counties of Scotland , on the periphery of an industrial society ; often on the poorest land in the vicinity ; and generally , but not necessarily , combining an element of communal with individual occupation and use of land .
6 It is distinguished by its tall spire , elongate aperture , prominent spines , but without the spiral ridges seen on many species .
7 This spellbinding seven-part fantasy adventure is about Merlin the Magician and it is distinguished by its cast , who include Liverpudlian actor Michael ( Boys From The Blackstuff , The Liver Birds , GBH ) Angelis as Merlin , comedy actress Susie ( Victoria Wood , Singles ) Blake as a historian named Fay Morgan and David ( The Chinese Detective ) Yip as mysterious businessman Mr Myoto .
8 It never drops below magnitude 10.5 , and at maximum it may rise to 5.9 , so that it is then on the fringe of naked-eye visibility and is easy in any binoculars ; it is distinguished by its intense redness , and it has been nicknamed the Crimson Star .
9 This means trying the schedule out , not on a sample of people for whom it is intended in its final version , but on people who may well be one 's colleagues at work ; that is , people who are likely to know something about survey work itself and schedule design .
10 It is based on its DX Directory Exchange alternative to the CCITT X500 standard .
11 It is seen on its way out of Victoria with the afternoon up service to Kings Cross .
12 Podvig , also prominent in the Crime and Punishment notebooks , gets relegated in the final text to the Epilogue where it is seen at its simplest in the mitigating circumstance that the murderer is discovered at his trial to have burnt himself rescuing two little children from a blazing house .
13 Some form of processing ( amplifiers ) will be used in a long-distance system to ‘ boost ’ the signal level every so often to make up for losses before it is sent on its way again .
14 It is wanted by its family , so why should n't it be given the chance to live ?
15 Therefore one would have to say either that the power elite is a mere statistical phenomenon , a category , an aggregate of disparate individuals who happen to share some socially relevant resources , or that it is united by its objective interest .
16 This dries out downwards , just as a wet towel dries out if it is placed with its top in a current of warm air .
17 We are trying to suggest here that academic enterprise may be useful as long as it is placed in its proper social context .
18 It is best if lead training is started quite young so that , as an older puppy , it will freely accept a check chain when it is placed around its neck .
19 Like the donkey it is despised by its enemies and mistreated by its friends , but only because it is bound to be treated unfairly when it is seen unrealistically .
20 This requires that when a record is added to the file it is stored in its home bucket if any record that is a synonym is at present in the home bucket , and that if space becomes available in a bucket , any synonym that randomizes to the bucket in which space is now available is moved into the home bucket .
21 To get an idea of some of the many different features that can be produced , consider what happens to a single , large flow as it is traced from its source to its tip .
22 It is noted for its majestic arches , fine doorways and elegant windows .
23 It is noted for its high proportion of ex-civil servants : ‘ They are young chaps who by and large have contacts in the Civil Service and have a jolly good grounding of how the system works , ’ he says .
24 It is noted for its healthy lake air and well organised holiday facilities .
25 It is noted for its very high calibre loyalty and involvement in the local community .
26 They have a strong historical dimension , but their treatment of the new international division of labour indicates that it is limited by its generality .
27 A female , instead of manufacturing the maximum number of eggs that can be created from her bodily reserves , may produce rather fewer but give each one a better chance of survival by supplying it with food in some way , so that it is sustained during its first difficult days .
28 One can then say that the mean velocity gradient depends only on u τ and y , although one can not say the same for U because it is separated from its origin by a region in which v is important .
29 It is imposed through its use in administrative functions by those who have political power .
30 Does he agree that gas is better not only because it is transported through its own pipelines and therefore takes transport off the road , but because it is green-clean and thermally more efficient ?
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