Example sentences of "[pers pn] is [adv] [prep] be " in BNC.

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31 While the Duke of Argyll had indeed a well-established interest in the county , and John Campbell of Mamore had a long tenure of the parliamentary seat , it is hardly to be wondered that some of the gentlemen resented that blunt statement of Campbell power .
32 Usually only one of the delegation addressed the assembly at large on the king 's needs , but it is hardly to be believed that the remainder were content merely to be seen .
33 Although there is no reference to crime in the Act of 1978 which corresponds to the reference in section 6 of the Act of 1935 , it is hardly to be supposed that Parliament , while creating a considerable extension of the right of contribution in cases other than cases of tort , nevertheless intended to narrow the right to contribution previously given to tortfeasors by the Act of 1935 .
34 If it is indeed to be a land battle , that inevitably bloody affair will with luck be fast-moving , and people will see it as a struggle fought with a clear aim against an obdurate enemy and plainly moving towards an allied victory .
35 The final component of the system is a new management tool , the OpenServer Remote Manager ( list price £2,650 ) , which works in conjunction with an OpenServer Management Agent that is to be added to the OpenServer 400 family : it is initially to be incorporated onto the Unix version ( expected at the end of the month ) , with MS-DOS and OS/2 versions following along during the second quarter of the year .
36 It is never to be compared to the Pain de Gonesse , and other delicious varieties to be met with in Paris .
37 It is always to be hoped that this charism will be active in popes and bishops , but it is not , nor can it be , reduced solely to their authority .
38 The Humber plain tile , as it is appropriately to be known , is an attractive product to handle .
39 It is therefore to be expected that many of the familiar solution generating techniques can be used to obtain new colliding plane wave solutions from already known , or ‘ seed ’ , solutions .
40 Housing is a basic need and it is therefore to be expected that the lower income groups will pay a higher proportion of their income to meet housing costs than the higher income groups , in spite of the fact that they live in less adequate accommodation .
41 It is therefore to be expected that where an animal had been classified as ferae naturae at common law it will be regarded as belonging to a dangerous species under the Act ( e.g .
42 It is therefore to be recommended , especially as the bass trombone could then be dropped out with safety , and could supply the E and F in the second bar below the tune ( and similar harmonic parts in the succeeding bars not given here ) .
43 It is therefore to be hoped that a satisfactory dialogue can be resumed in the near future . ’
44 Qualification represents the aggregation of whatever properties the speaker feels are needed to identify sufficiently what he wishes to talk about , and so it is entirely to be expected that , on occasion , more than one adjectival property should appear .
45 That is one of the roles of your Association and it is what your membership fees go towards and it is there to be used and they 've done their best so I hope it will come in very useful for you for this year and I wish you a very good year .
46 Stones were also set up along the Great North Road in 1708 , but the first true milestone to be set up in Britain since Roman times was that at Trumpington , just outside Cambridge , in 1727 , where it is still to be seen .
47 It is still to be found in the rhetoric of ministers ' speeches and circulars .
48 Although sale of manatee meat is against the law , it is still to be found in markets .
49 Anyone buying the house is faced with the problem of demolishing all the extensions if it is ever to be restored to its former glory .
50 But it is now to be cut .
51 It is now to be seen in a deserted spot , not actually by the river but not far from it , on high ground by a little-used minor road .
52 It is now to be hoped that your editorial policy will quickly realise that to in any way publicise this loathsome ‘ sport ’ is counter to your normal upholding of standards of common decency .
53 It is only to be hoped that dispersals of any kind are restricted on the most severe criteria , and that money for acquisitions , storage and , perhaps most important , staff for cataloguing is not stinted .
54 It is only to be regretted that the Committee has not pursued this policy with sufficient boldness and consistency .
55 But speculative source-study can reveal more about the reading of the scholar than about the actual text whose possible sources are the object of the exercise and , after all , it is only to be expected that those who share a faith will also share a way of expressing it .
56 It is only to be expected that these two rather different techniques , the Doppler shift technique and the " chirp radar " technique , would be useful for different special purposes .
57 Since each is a little different from its parent , it is only to be expected that each will be slightly more different from its grandparents ( and its grandchildren ) , and even more different still from its great grandparents ( and great grandchildren ) .
58 It is only to be expected that there are not too many IT experts around who could effectively advise policy makers and managers , and design IT systems .
59 It is greatly to be hoped that some version of the censorship hypothesis holds because close to naked singularities it may be possible to travel into the past .
60 It is perhaps to be expected . ’
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