Example sentences of "[pers pn] to another [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If you or your child are affected it is worth asking the doctor to change you to another type of antihistamine .
2 To do this he sent me to another sort of specialist who inserted through my neck a needle containing blue dye , guided it with the help of a television screen into the top of my spinal cord and then watched its progress as it trickled down .
3 Stations throughout these areas invariably have their quota of migrants lying on the platforms waiting for trains to take them to another instalment of toil .
4 Send me letters here still and I shall ask my new friend Mr ( wall-eyed ) Wood ( prop. ) to sit on them or speed them to another valley by pigeon post .
5 You will have to be ruthless if you find that they do n't press successfully , and either move them to another site in the garden , or give them to someone else .
6 A chain came down from them to another set of wheels and cogs nearer the bottom .
7 Confronting Nubenehem with his problem , she had introduced him to another customer of the City of Dreams , an elderly papermaster with flaccid skin and a bald pate ringed with long , dank hair .
8 They would then perhaps try to get him to another pub near the market — the jolly Farmer or the Golden Ball ( George Mutter of the jolly Farmer used to lodge three or four Irishmen regularly ) .
9 Instead of hell , God might consign the impenitent or spiritually immature or those ignorant of him to another round of earthly life .
10 What he had just done was sentence her to another day of hell .
11 She slept a little — perhaps he did too — then woke once more to the warm arousal of his kiss , the murmur of his voice against her ear , summoning her to another feast of delight .
12 Alternatively , the exporter could seek a loan against it or negotiate it to another party in settlement of a domestic trade debt .
13 The sheer abundance of the commercial use of Bruce Weber 's imagery brings us to another feature of the selection here .
14 And Monday 's sports spot takes us to another look at the main news stories .
15 This brings us to another group of alleged animal rights which relate to its functioning as a biological organism .
16 ’ . This brings us to another sequence of turns : the peculiar mechanisms of closing a conversation .
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