Example sentences of "[pers pn] and [verb] me [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Instead of getting someone to calm me down and talk to me , a whole bunch of them came and jumped on me and rushed me down to the block and left me there .
2 ‘ Later in the week he said he was falling in love with me and kissed me just before I got out of the car .
3 Last week , he grabbed me and kissed me passionately .
4 I am simply going to sit in his studio for perhaps three hours for the mornings of the next few weeks and Murphy shall take me and bring me back and Lyddy shall sit close by me and I will take Janet too if you would allow me — ’
5 I still have the very first letter I wrote from home : ‘ Please Mam , say you love me and bring me home ’ .
6 ‘ Give Christine to me and follow me down . ’
7 He used to make my life very uncomfortable — abusing me and pushing me around — but I never had the guts to hit him because he was so big .
8 taking me and dropping me off
9 A classic example is the agoraphobic housewife whose husband is , ‘ really wonderful , very sympathetic and understanding … he does everything for me … he comes around all the shops with me and drives me wherever I want to go ’ .
10 Let them find me and bind me again if they
11 In all the world , you were the one who loved me and accepted me exactly as I was .
12 Mike was there every day , being nice to me and telling me not to worry about anything , he 'd found this flat and his mother was seeing to furnishing it and they were making arrangements for the wedding .
13 Jack and two others who had witnessed the performance , found me and piloted me back to the warmth and safety of the ski-cabin .
14 And there was a lot of space between the hut and the door and the wind took me and flung me right up against the tank and I went down to the ground and crawled on me hands and knees .
15 It was nothing really , nothing at all , yet it devastated me and affected me more profoundly than any previous or subsequent event .
16 He wanted to take me where the cold would hurt me and make me more miserable .
17 Just as I was myself going to be killed , the village people managed to save me and take me up to the mountain , but I had lost too much blood and died anyway .
18 She would dance with me and take me long walks .
19 ‘ He means well , but all he ever does is try to grab me and take me home . ’
20 I hoped she would n't make a big production out of the delivery upstairs , but just in case she did I thought I would n't go anywhere where she could see me and point me out to any of the owners , so I left through the front exit gates and found the actors ' bus with its Mystery Race Train banner and faded inside into the reassembling troupe .
21 I was drawn lower and lower ; a wall of flesh surrounded me and hemmed me in on every side , yet the pressure was not painful and the flesh easily gave way like soft india-rubber before my slightest movement .
22 I would do it in a nice way and then he might remember me and ask me out later . ’
23 I thanked them for praying for me and seeing me now , hoped they thought their efforts worthwhile .
24 Why did you cheat me and let me down ?
25 If you knew about the letter , you could just have phoned me and told me not to open it .
26 Then the big grey monster ran back through the trees , jumped at me and knocked me down .
27 My daughter hugs me and tells me how proud she is .
28 But you could always take me and fetch me back as you did before . ’
29 The authorities grabbed me and took me away .
30 She caught up with me and took me along to a paddock to see her horse .
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