Example sentences of "[pers pn] and [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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31 All cetaceans draw in fresh air through this nasal orifice down into their lungs , releasing it and drawing in a fresh supply whenever they return to the surface .
32 Think about it and try in a different way another time .
33 Transferred to the realm of gender relations , this would describe the state of affairs in which a woman has influence over a man and manipulates his discourses , but is allowed this power only as long as she agrees not to flaunt it and remains in the position of silent partner with no autonomous voice .
34 Believes in making your own way through life , walking tall , shooting straight , balling chicks as he puts it and spitting in the eye of anyone who does you wrong .
35 And nerves too when you have a finger whose paralysed and could n't remove it and put in a nerve and then they could work again .
36 Only a few people can keep up with the rapidly advancing frontier of knowledge , and they have to devote their whole time to it and specialize in a small area .
37 Similarly , in the spring of 1940 , he assured the French Head of State , Marshal Pétain , that Spain would remain neutral , while he also assured Ciano that although Spain was materially unable to participate in the war , he was not indifferent to it and believed in the victory of the Axis .
38 Golden motes drifted from it and hung in the air .
39 You have the choice of either trying to minimise the effect or going with it and rejoicing in the exotic feel of a semi-desert in your back yard .
40 The Finn touched the ball inside to Jess who controlled it and turned in a blur of movement which took him clear of his cover and a sweetly struck shot hummed past Andy Rhodes .
41 If anyone has mislaid their gift envelope , please use an ordinary one and just put your name and Birthday Scheme on it and place in the offering bag .
42 If a failure occurs in one of the 16 on-line chips , the controller detects it and switches in the redundant chip .
43 * Instead of rinsing your pasta after cooking , drain it and put in a serving dish or back in the saucepan , then add a few knobs of soft butter .
44 Bernard excised it and put in a piece of nylon . ’
45 Ca n't we sell them ours and put in a new one
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