Example sentences of "[pers pn] always [verb] their [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I always ask their advice before important changes ( moving house/changing job/marriage ) .
2 Our reception will be at the White Hart Hotel , Llandeilo , well known by most of the hierarchy of ( that 's where I always arrange their accommodation , staff dinners , etc ) and a few days in London will round off this long awaited event , quite nicely thank you !
3 " Did you notice how they always kept their distance from each other ? "
4 Oh yes they always lose their dole cheque very conveniently at Christmas .
5 And , I am afraid that , like the Mounties , they always get their man ! ’
6 And they always begin their life of crime by asking too many questions !
7 He always had their maid squeeze some fresh juice when Lorna Lewis was scheduled to put in an appearance .
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