Example sentences of "[pers pn] hold out her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She holds out her flute .
2 She held out her dish and Vi spooned it full .
3 She held out her arms and spread her fingers gracefully , pleasuring herself in Donald 's admiration .
4 People are coming from all over the place , and the flat … . ’ she held out her arms .
5 She had talked of a sex scene when she was on Wogan , but he assumed it would be something more romantic — a magnolia bud of a tit peeping from beneath bed linen as she held out her arms to her lover and the lights went down at the end of the play .
6 She held out her arms and tried desperately to grab at Jones 's reins , but three quarters of a ton of racehorse hit her head-on at nearly forty miles an hour and the three went down in a heap .
7 She held out her arms , trailing drapery , her hair smoothly coiffed , lips ruby red , pursed for a kiss .
8 Then she sent Nara to fetch the things she would need : a piece of rope the length of the space between her hands when she held out her arms ; a supple willow twig , the length of the space between Nara 's hands : a sprig of the dā telo bush in flower : and some wheat flour and tobacco for her own payment .
9 Turning to her companion , she held out her arms to be lifted from the saddle .
10 She held out her arms to him …
11 ‘ I 'm not at all hungry , ’ the woman protested , but then her whole face lit up in a brilliant smile as she held out her arms .
12 She held out her arms .
13 ‘ You must know why I have come , Neil , ’ she said , and she held out her arms to him .
14 She held out her arms and gave Anne a quick , fierce hug .
15 She held out her arms as both men turned and looked at her .
16 To cover up her ingratitude , she held out her gros point .
17 She held out her cup .
18 She held out her hands to the fire , and said : ‘ Of course , Patrick .
19 The gas burned with a flickering blue light as she switched on the fire in the sitting-room , and for a while she held out her hands to the flame .
20 Tears sprang into Adele Duncan 's eyes as she held out her hands .
21 She held out her hand in invitation .
22 She held out her hand , palm upwards .
23 ‘ Where 's yer money ? ’ she held out her hand expectantly .
24 To his surprise she held out her hand and gave him , once again , that extraordinary , attractive smile .
25 Then she held out her hand to Eileen and gave it a strong clasp that made her wince .
26 She was standing in front of him and when , conventionally , she held out her hand towards him , saying , ‘ Goodbye , then , ’ he hesitated for a moment ; then his arm jerked forward and he was holding her hand .
27 But she held out her hand .
28 She held out her hand .
29 Instead she held out her hand .
30 She held out her hand , palm upwards now , and moved her head slowly as she looked at Aggie as if she were talking to a friend who would understand that a cousin of hers had not married beneath her .
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