Example sentences of "[pers pn] hold [pron] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I hold nothing against them and I wish them all the best .
2 do you wan na little bit more table , that 's gon na be alright because you 've erm , if I move them if you put on that , if I hold them on my lap and then they wo n't get , you wo n't want to ask me , do you want another one ?
3 I hold him with me for as long as I can before my leg goes dead .
4 In his Life he made William X of Aquitaine protest against Louis 's meddling in the Auvergne , with the words : ‘ If the count of Auvergne has committed any fault , it is my duty to present him at your court on your order , because he holds the Auvergne of me as I hold it of you . ’
5 ‘ Shall I hold it for you , ma'am ? ’
6 ‘ In the end I held them against my side under my arm with the suspenders dangling down and some woman said , ‘ Eh , girl them suspenders look as if you should be milking them . ’
7 I held her to me as we fell across the bed , feeling her lithe life-force twitching against me as beautiful as a rainbow trout , leaping from a mill race into my outstretched arms .
8 I held her by her wrists to keep her delicate fingers out of my pockets .
9 With my own nose barely above water I held him with his head just higher than mine , but he still was n't breathing .
10 I held him against my shoulder .
11 I held him in my arms .
12 ‘ I 'd promised I would never fall for the obvious attractions of another beautiful woman , but from the moment I held you in my arms my instinct told me that you were as different from Lotta as wine is from vinegar . ’
13 I held you in my arms last night .
14 I held it between my own , uncovered it to see the fingers lying on mine : a square hand , fine-boned , fine-textured , not large .
15 She passed it across and I held it on my knees without opening it .
16 As I held it in my hand it all came back to me .
17 Recently , I picked up a young bird which one of my cats had caught ; I held it in my hands in the hope that it might survive .
18 to me hold them against their will ? '' ’
19 She 's taping it all , she holds it against you , you see , so she 's trying to blackmail !
20 We use them as rubber and you hold them in your arms , alright ?
21 And you hold them in your arm just see the wa I mix them up in the feed , I mix the feed up with some of it , and then tip it into the rubber you see .
22 If you hold it in your hands it gets warm .
23 You must descend without fear , or hesitation , and descend further , and still descend ; you will find that your glass key will shed light on your way if you hold it before you .
24 But it is n't like you to hold it against me . ’
25 She held him in her throat , and grabbed the root of his shaft with both hands so he was unable to withdraw .
26 She made no further objection as she held them against her , instinct telling her that they should fit quite nicely .
27 She held it to her face and it was so beautiful .
28 " And another one , " she held it towards him , a very long tumbler .
29 She held it on her finger and sang to it and made little kissing noises with her lips that he tried to imitate .
30 She held it between her forefingers and thumbs and neatly tore it in half .
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