Example sentences of "[pers pn] feel the [noun] have " in BNC.

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1 I feel the Trust has got off to a very good start under your directorship .
2 ‘ The company has been a wonderful part of my life , but I feel the time has come to permit a younger generation to take the reins . ’
3 However , 15 years on , I feel the time has come for me to have a change of hairstyle .
4 But now I feel the world has ceased to exist .
5 The Board 's area general manager , Tom Frawley , commented : ‘ There never has been any intention to close accident and emergency and I feel the rumours have been damaging to the public 's confidence in the hospital and to the morale of staff ’
6 I feel the media have a great responsibility to inform the public in ways they can understand , how great the challenge is becoming and the need to make changes before it is too late .
7 I felt the teachers had a lot to do with it at the school , if I liked a teacher I liked the subject .
8 Without knowing why , I felt the advantage had suddenly shifted .
9 In fact , our constituency Tory MP is hard-working and conscientious , and deserved to be returned : but in terms of party politics I felt the Tories had had a long enough crack of the whip .
10 I felt the bullet had almost stopped the car . ’
11 ‘ I left at the right time as I felt the band had run out of ideas and it was becoming motivated by the wrong things .
12 The silence that enclosed me made me feel the world had come to an end , that the trees had not yet been informed but soon would be , and would fall on to the stone and thorn , the heather and the fern , skeletons to be picked over , not by vultures but by time .
13 So I mean your yourself how do you feel the town 's been changed over these few years ?
14 Merely state what you feel the interview has achieved , describe the agreed plan of action and then open your diary to fix the date of the next meeting .
15 She feels the union has been ineffectual and even the so-called industrial action four years ago when members refused to set or mark exam papers seemed , quite unjustifiably , to be taking things out on the students .
16 ‘ Now she feels the time has come to hand over to someone else .
17 And she felt the picture had always been there , waiting only to wake .
18 But by 1946 , after playing the small role of Jeanne Crain 's rival in Margie , she left Fox because she felt the studio had n't given her enough big parts over the past decade .
19 The development officer said she felt the project had been unable to help much , because of the attitude of the relatives ; the principal carer had not been relieved in any way , and therefore her preference for institutional care ( without the ability to make it happen ) remained .
20 We feel the operation has been reasonably successful but the approval of by-laws to control the type , use and number of vehicles on the foreshore must be a long-term priority .
21 In the circumstances we feel the police had no alternative but to shoot it .
22 We feel the market has bottomed out and the affordability factor is very , very favourable . ’
23 It 's basically that we feel the group has to be thrown into different circumstances if it 's going to be stimulated , if it 's going to change .
24 We felt the meeting had been very worthwhile in giving us a better understanding of the way new housing targets were estimated , the relationship between the WO and planning authorities , and the points at which environmental factors were taken into account .
25 Thirdly we felt the county had not understood enough of the pattern of erm impending relocations within Harrogate Borough Council .
26 Soon a video of this execution may well be available and people will be able to pop it into their video machines every time they feel the need to have ‘ justice seen to be done ’ .
27 Saudi Arabia was going flat out at 10 million b/d , to the dismay of several members who would have liked this reduced to ease the market glut they felt the Saudis had created .
28 They felt the Government had finally produced a coherent economic policy .
29 Nor does he feel the stockmarket has fully discounted a recession .
30 But Elsworth , who was defending himself , was reluctant to give evidence as he felt the case had ‘ already been decided ’ .
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