Example sentences of "[pers pn] seem [to-vb] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Nothing I seem to do is right .
2 Though some of them seem to have been familiar with the writings of some of the others , each worked independently and developed a personal view of the mystical life .
3 Although about two-thirds of students still came from the gentry estate , an increasing proportion of them seem to have been poor .
4 And so , she said , ‘ You seem to have been busy this morning , Isabel , ’ but absently remembering the bumping noises from above and the journeys her sister had made to the front sitting room ( locking the door after her ) and back again to the attic ( locking the door ) .
5 All we seemed to get is abstract art which people in Harlow means so few appreciate which I quite understand . . .
6 We seem to have been harsh in criticising the " in rough then neat " writers .
7 Zuwaya claimed that in the past they had recognized no internal sovereign , and in this matter they seem to have been right .
8 If the Cubists had been surprised by the violent reactions which they had aroused previously , they seem to have been anxious to attract as much attention as possible with this exhibition .
9 a very able man in business matters , but unfortunately lame ; he had to support himself on a crutch , in addition to which the dark glasses he wore to hide some defect in his eyes , did not improve his appearance ; altogether it always struck me that the prominence of position he seemed to claim was undesirable .
10 He seemed to have been stuck in this shabby , overheated room for days .
11 It seemed to have been present with her throughout her sleep so promptly had it appeared when she woke .
12 What it seems to mean is that evolution did not normally proceed by a process of gradual change of one species into another over long periods of time .
13 With the last three murders it seems to have been pure chance that a suitable victim did , in fact , come along . ’
14 Most of the high-tech inward investment in Ireland is concentrated around Dublin and in Cork , and it seems to have been remiss on the part of the Industrial 7Development Agency that having enticed DEC to Galway , it was not able to turn the town into a centre of high-tech inward investment so that if DEC — or others — pulled out , there was every chance of attracting new ones .
15 When , therefore , on 9 December 1949 , an amendment to the Military Aid Program bill proposed by the combined Senate Committees on Foreign Relations and Armed Services sought to earmark the sum of $75 m. for what was eventually described as the ‘ general area of China ’ , in voting to cut the appropriation for the Military Assistance Program in half the House of Representatives may , as Acheson said , have been in one of its berserk moods ; but in order to save the Program , and its underpinning of the fledgling North Atlantic Alliance , Acheson was prepared to accept the amendment and , as he presents it , it seems to have been one of the easiest passages in that summer of difficult decisions .
16 It seems to have been unusual for any girl to go beyond straight typesetting to learn much about the other processes at this stage : a crucial point .
17 It seems to have been this last line which caused the editors of the Annotated Index to the Cantos of Ezra Pound to provide one of the few pieces of misinformation in that admirable work .
18 He seems to have been shy and introspective , but liked it to be known that his was the power behind the scenes .
19 He seems to have been intimate with the king and perhaps prominent at court : writing in 1258 , the poet John Garland [ q.v. ]
20 The curious fact is , however , that initially he seems to have been opposed to it , and , in altering his position , was largely persuaded by the TUC General Council .
21 He seems to have been content with his wife , though he saw little enough of her in the years which followed .
22 In most other respects he seems to have been anxious to preserve the status quo , and there was relatively little reshuffling of office .
23 In most other respects he seems to have been anxious to preserve the status quo , and there was relatively little reshuffling of office .
24 John Titford was never what we would call a leading light at Badcox Lane Chapel — he seems to have been reliable , but perhaps not dynamic .
25 Well , he seems to have been conspicuous by has absence in respect to these things .
26 When the king next had to raise money for the duchy of Normandy in 1096 , he seems to have been satisfied with Anselm 's offer : at least we hear no complaint .
27 In Parliament he seems to have been happiest with the common-law politics of Sir Edward Coke [ q.v. ] , but disapproving of faction .
28 In three respects at least D. H. Lawrence 's attitude to homosexuality was typical : first , he seems to have been able to accept it only in an idealized and spiritual form ; as Paul Delany puts it , he wanted not a lover but a spiritual brother .
29 Perhaps he guessed as much : certainly he seems to have been surprised by the success of the play.s But that success was more or less assured : his reputation and authority were such that those who went to the theatre went , as a matter of course , to see Eliot .
30 He seems to have been corrupt from an early age .
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