Example sentences of "[pers pn] tell he [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You said , I told him about that .
2 I told him about Bad Money — another short , no big deal .
3 That was Michael Willis 's line whenever I told him about some fresh disaster in the surf .
4 And unfortunately , I told him in graphic detail , and thereby of course , lost a contract , because he turned out to be the most senior person in the room , and he did not enjoy being humiliated in that way .
5 I told him in great detail .
6 I tell the DI why ; I tell him about two more betrayals ; about the commanding officer who had let men die to cover up his own inadequacy ( or at least Andy believed he had , which was all that mattered ) , and I tell him about the locum doctor who could n't be bothered to attend a patient and then , when he eventually did pay a visit , just assumed her pain was something trivial .
7 You told him about that ? ’
8 You told him about last night ? ’
9 ‘ Thank you so much for the advice , ’ she told him with icy calm , ‘ but I can assure you that it was n't necessary . ’
10 ‘ Oh … oh , so was mine , ’ she told him with hasty fervour .
11 ‘ There are other ways , ’ she told him with Spartan vigour .
12 ‘ Oh , I can think of several things , ’ she told him with soft-voiced hostility .
13 And then , pulling herself together , she told him through clenched teeth , ‘ Tim is not my lover ! ’
14 He must always believe the things she told him about other people , especially those in his father 's family , but Frankie sometimes found her instructions very hard to understand .
15 She told him about open heart surgery , and lasers ; about credit cards and the cost of living , and the vast expense involved when buying a moderately sized residence like Rose Cottage , which he regarded as little short of scandalous , totally unable to begin to comprehend such vast sums of money being paid for such a relatively small return .
16 ‘ I 'll sign the agreement , ’ she told him in clipped tones .
17 She had a little flat in the Falls , a house she shared with girlfriends , her family home being in a village outside Derry , and she told him in blunt terms that she had n't seen enough of him at it for too damn long , at it or anywhere else .
18 And under no circumstances do you tell him about any assets we have in place in Lebanon .
19 How could she tell him about that dreadful note , about what had really driven her out here ?
20 ‘ I think it was you telling him about all those posh cars you test drive that really swung it . ’
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