Example sentences of "[pers pn] over the [adj] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Avoid the aliens , a super long jump will get you over the other two .
2 The opportunity to serve you and to meet you over the next twelve months I look forward to enormously and while I 'm not conceited enough to think that I can move mountains in the year ahead , or naive enough to think that I can please everybody fully , fellow Tablers I promise you I will not let you down .
3 We have not had a great deal of communication from you over the past two years , and it is questionable whether we are of use to you , and you to us .
4 ‘ We 've done a lot of work with them over the past three weeks .
5 I have you and all at your magazine to thank for your support , but listening to the troubles of fishkeepers on the telephone and when meeting them over the last twelve months I am left in no doubt that there is a vast array of undetectable contaminants in our tapwater , apart from just chlorine , which consistently depress fish condition and render them less able to resist stress and infection .
6 But on the other hand I 'm pleased the reasons they 've given for the delay are the points we 've been raising with them over the last two years .
7 If anyone is going to break it they are going to have to be better than me over the first fifty metres , so it 's going to be difficult .
8 It was on one of Mike 's rest days , when I went along with Christophe to do some sound recordings , that we got the first view of what was to become an obsession for Mike and me over the next two and a half years .
9 ‘ Perhaps it will help me over the next thirty , ’ he added as an afterthought .
10 What 's really moved me over the last three or four years , as AIDS has become a major threat in this country , and especially since spring 1985 with the rising public hysteria about it , is that it 's brought out tremendous reserves of strength in lesbians and gay men which show the importance of the achievements of the previous fifteen years .
11 ‘ I 'll have you know that Tim has been a very good friend to me over the past five years . ’
12 But Faldo has reserved his most barbed comments for Alliss and the press , even though the publicity afforded him over the last 16 years has brought a £2 million home and bulging bank account worth more than £10m .
13 On either side of the central aisle , heads nodded at the buildings and streets around them as a now livelier Ashenden continued , himself ( like the site , it appeared ) splendidly restored from whatever malaise had affected him over the previous two days , a malaise which had been noted and commented upon by several others of the group besides Mrs Shirley Brown — the latter sitting comfortably now in her usual seat , the effects of the sting having cleared up fairly quickly under the twin application of Mrs Roscoe 's unguents .
14 In the build up to her first ever world tour , the now seasoned campaigner decided it was time to kill the cutesy girl-next-door and reflect the reality of what had happened to her over the previous two years .
15 The continuing emphasis on family relationships may well affect the way Japan copes with the rapid ageing of the population which faces her over the next three decades .
16 And it was hundred and ten if you did it over the two six
17 ‘ You 're right into the teeth of it over the first five holes .
18 ‘ The commission took into consideration their record over the past five years , ’ said Graham Kelly , the FA 's chief executive , ‘ but they also noted that they had taken steps to improve it over the last 18 months . ’
19 Well have they withdrawn one of their submissions to South Oxfordshire that they 've tried to claim that they were using it over the last twelve years and it has now been withdrawn because they know very well that their claim to South Oxfordshire can not be justified about the use .
20 It 'll be a way to acknowledge the end of an era as well as to acknowledge the people who contributed to it over the last 20 years .
21 In fact the1880s main building , a Grade I listed extravaganza modelled on Chambord , is in a structurally sound condition , having had money from the Pilgrim Trust , the Wolfson Foundation and the University Funding Council spent on it over the last ten years .
22 After carrying out a survey of the number of people who have died of it over the past three years , COHSE 's Scottish regional officer , Jim Devine , said the union believed many low-paid workers and pensioners were forced to make a choice between eating and heating .
23 But two years of severe drought in the region have prompted suggestions to give the project a higher priority and to build it over the next two years rather than the next 14 , as originally planned .
24 We travelled thousands of miles in it over the next two years .
25 Nor was there any reason to believe they would get it over the next thirty years , either .
26 Having finally admitted that the English drift-netting is damaging to Scotland 's rivers and needs to be phased out , the Government is proposing to accomplish it over the next 30 years .
27 I thank all the people who have supported us over the past eleven years and assure them that T.R. Shipping will be every bit as dedicated in the future . ’
28 Too many people have seen us over the past two or three days so anything I do will be linked to you .
29 Their needs alone would have been enough reason — were enough — for a number of us over the next three to four years to stay in a male organization , with largely male resources for mainly male callers and to join with some of those men to change it .
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