Example sentences of "[pers pn] make it [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Why should I make it easy for you ?
2 At an effective level , the one at which I made it possible for Jean-Claude to work uninterruptedly , I felt both the benefits of a com-panionable relationship with someone of whom I was , in many ways , admiring , and a sense of my own worth : I was useful to him .
3 Keep your chequebook and your cheque card separate : If you make it easy for a thief to plunder your account by keeping your chequebook and card together , you could be held responsible for the whole amount .
4 You make it difficult for me to leave .
5 But if you make it difficult for cars people would consider park and ride .
6 But she made it easy for him .
7 She told him that he had to be successful and then she made it impossible for him .
8 You made it impossible for me to stay , ’ he said rather tightly .
9 ‘ I did , but you made it impossible for me to refuse . ’
10 She makes it real for me .
11 We made it easy for them , ’ said Kendall afterwards .
12 We made it ready for our George and Elizabeth , before they moved to Cherry Tree Farm . ’
13 We made it difficult for ourselves , but we needed to get the early breakthrough , ’ he added .
14 If we 'll only buy highly coloured food , we make it difficult for the industry to eliminate the additives which provide them .
15 By reducing the scope of the enquiry we make more certain the worth of what we are doing ( always assuming , of course , that the study itself is well conducted ) , and by describing carefully what we do we make it possible for other researchers to duplicate our own study or conduct a similar one with slightly different variables .
16 When people do cross the threshold of the church , do we make it easy for them to take that step ?
17 Your mind became numbed to everything about human beings except that they pressed close around you all the time , that they slept above or below you , that you could never turn your head without seeing some evidence of their closeness — their clothes or their books or their photographs — that they made it impossible for you ever to be alone .
18 They made it impossible for me to stay .
19 Given that weak electromagnetic fields at the power frequencies 50Hz and 60Hz do pollute the environment in the sense that they make it hostile for the chemistry of body functions , there is no real choice other than making sure we live well removed from power lines or accept the higher incidence of cancer and leukaemia as tolerable .
20 He was well-read and clever , and he made it easy for stupid men to respect his intellect if he thought they could be of use to him .
21 But Under-21 boss Craig Brown said : ‘ I felt Darren was unfortunate , but he made it easy for the official by a slight push .
22 And so he made it easy for me .
23 He thought I was too silly for words , but he made it possible for me to keep Perdita , so I 'll always be grateful . ’
24 Father took you and the youngster in twelve … no , thirteen years ago ; he made it possible for you not
25 He made it possible for the duke and his eight-months pregnant duchess to rush back from Germany to Kensington Palace for the birth , putting up the royal cavalcade at his home in Shooter 's Hill on the way .
26 The conclusion drawn in the Malleus Maleficarum , the handbook on witchcraft written in 1486 by two Dominican friars , was that this made tears displeasing to the Devil , and he made it impossible for witches to cry so that they would never find repentance .
27 I can see he made it tough for you . ’
28 It made it easy for an enemy to monitor his movements .
29 Valuable , in that , by providing a conception of an autonomous , rational and apparently neutral subject , it made it possible for Enlightenment liberalism ( in particular Mary Wollstonecraft ) to question the exclusion of women from public life .
30 Any other things that made it made it difficult for you to read ?
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