Example sentences of "[pers pn] think that [pron] could " in BNC.

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1 He occasionally drops a phrase to provoke a smile from the soft cheeks of ladies and gentlemen , and to make them think that they could say the thing better …
2 But it ties it in to a date and I think in a similar way , erm centenary which is the only thing we 're going to do offic I think that it could be the only thing we do to celebrate our hundred years of existence apart from a small exhibition in .
3 I thought that he could have telephoned me if it were unobtainable but apparently he had n't bothered , and the sheet music was indeed not to be had .
4 I thought that I could make my contribution by joining the Trade Union movement , and improve things from there . ’
5 I thought that I could do the same in sprinting .
6 I 'd be a complete idiot if I thought that I could go through life and not bounce into the occasional person who did n't have my welfare at heart , and I 'm no idiot .
7 Erm and really the only way I thought that I could prevent myself from doing anything like that was to kill myself in a very violent way because I
8 If the wolf were sick , mother , and I thought that you could . ’
9 The Backs enchanted me , and I thought that there could surely be no lovelier ecclesiastical building in the country , and perhaps all Europe , than King 's Chapel , with its perfect fan-vaulting and its jewelled windows staining with glorious blue the white-gold stone .
10 So if God gave them the same gift as he gave us , who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ , who was I to think that I could oppose God ? ’ '
11 Yes , I think that we could actually kill as it were two birds with one stone here er , the conversion of military industry into civilian industry has begun in the Soviet Union but it was going very slowly and part of the reason for that is , is it 's very expensive , now that seems to me a worthy recipient for Western direct economic aid .
12 I do n't know , it 's difficult to see that one can make erm , you know , a clear connection if one says well , you know , if the undergraduate is n't sick should we sort of put up with them being particularly rowdy or generally rather offensive , and I think that there could perceivably be problems with attempting to identify , you know , a disciplinary effect offence rather , as lying within the victims .
13 If I 'm depressed at all it is that I think that you could make this process slightly less obtrusive and violent and spark-generating if there was more systematic analysis and discussion beforehand , going back a long way .
14 So I think that you could say that I arrived in Jesselton in a mood of pleasurable anticipation .
15 " You know , I think that you could be heading for a very serious depression . "
16 I think that you could do something in between here , but I do n't know the country well enough to say exactly that mix would be .
17 I think that he could destroy an enemy without even knowing it . ’
18 So do you think that we could put our differences aside for just one evening ?
19 ‘ Do you think that I could possibly keep away ? ’
20 Do n't you think that I could find other , just as exceptional bodies somewhere else ? ’
21 Do you think that you could send it on ?
22 Going back to the scene of the Crucifixion , do you think that you could add something to a scene which has been treated for almost 2000 years ?
23 Well do you think that you could make a ‘ bit of a window ’ for the Church ? ’
24 Do you think that you could stop me ? ’
25 Do you think that it could ever be true that they would be sufficiently inexpensive that they could be used in most doctors ' surgeries , or is it going to be something which is only used in one or two important hospitals ?
26 Now she thought that she could give it up for three weeks in the Italian sun .
27 As the girls changed for the dance , giggling , excited , she had moments when she thought that she could not do it , that she would prefer to go in her skirt and jersey .
28 She thought that she could manage at least the pantomime season before her condition would show .
29 It was some time since she and Papa had played one of their fierce games ; he never gave quarter to anyone , but she thought that she could remember what he had taught her .
30 There was an owl whose names was Blanche perch bravely on a narrow branch when she asked if she could fly , the others said into the sky high , high , high , so one fine day they came out and stood on a branch all big and stout , she jumped , she thought that she could fly
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