Example sentences of "[pers pn] could [be] use for " in BNC.

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1 Where men like Bradford of Pippingford Warren attempted to enclose the remaining wastes of Ashdown Forest and succeeded , it was a comparatively rare event ; unlike the Midlands enclosure , which frequently redistributed arable land , the sand and clay of Wealden waste required wholesale draining and massive injections of capital before they could be used for profitable corn-growing .
2 The scientist Robert Boyle was looking for a method of preserving corpses so that they could be used for summer as well as winter tutorials .
3 Sizes range from They could be used for perimeter walls and the like if finished with a decorative rendering , if other materials prove too expensive .
4 More than that , I want you to find out what they could be used for . ’
5 Once trained , they could be used for other things too .
6 Noel Hulse , a National Union of Teachers spokesman , said : ‘ It is a pity that resources are being wasted on repairing schools when they could be used for books .
7 If it was an ‘ either or ’ situation , I would go for a winch as it could be used for other jobs such as moving fallen trees or recovering other vehicles etc .
8 There was nothing against my packing a bag and loading the wheelbarrow on the Land Rover so that it could be used for the longer , more difficult sections .
9 Once it is accepted that surrogacy is unlikely to cause any serious harm , the idea that it could be used for social rather than medical reasons should lose much of the horror and condemnation with which it tends to be associated .
10 They were sheep who had decided that this was no time to waste energy panicking when it could be used for galloping away as fast as possible .
11 I saw you write down crafty so you picked up his little circle , it could be used for referrals , there 's the R A R obviously is another one so they 're things that can be er picked up .
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