Example sentences of "[pers pn] could [adv] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Erm I could also support Chris 's resolution if I thought it was realistic to hope for an adequately funded public transport system in , in the foreseeable future .
2 I did n't dare return to the-place where I 'd killed him because I could easily arouse suspicion .
3 I could easily write paragraphs in tender praise of that young girl 's pouting lower lip , but the end result would be to make her appear ludicrously deformed .
4 I could even see Conchis , who was sitting where we had sat on the terrace the night before , apparently reading .
5 Perhaps I could just advise members , Chairman , that erm , that the timescale for that would be fairly tight , erm , and my recollection is that when we er , we went out to consultation previously in the sphere of learning disability on an issue that I well you should know , erm , I think there were some thirteen plus consultation meetings required in , in order to , erm , to get a fair spread of , of , of opinion .
6 Talking of waffling , if I could just shift ground slightly to another issue , it 's been touched on already , and that is of jargon .
7 But having I could just tell councillor that the main problems which he felt he had to bring into this debate , the main problem is parking across the driveways in Harvey Goodwin Avenue , both the residents get very fed up because the parking .
8 There 's no point in me doing it I mean if I could just hear Ben going ah ah ah
9 I was sitting on a chair near the door , and I could just hear Greta Ross 's voice speaking on the phone .
10 I could just hear Mr Rhys saying , Run away .
11 If I could just have Mr. Pertwee 's address … ’
12 I mean there 's times I could just take Billy and just but then you have to think , no .
13 I could partly understand Sally 's comments because I heard at second hand from Jack Mason about the bickering that went on between manufacturers and the players ' agents about contracts .
14 You could of course opt for the new Marshall JMP-1 MIDI preamp , which would almost certainly do the job ; I could equally recommend Boogie 's TriAxis , but that breaches your £1,000 ceiling .
15 Well I ca n't place very many , all I 've placed are the ones in the middle that I used to live in I could probably place Zambia , Malawi Zimbabwe whatever the Conga is now called , I do n't even know what that 's now called that 's about my limit , Ghana Nigeria , might be able to place if it 's geographical features I could place more how many countries have you given then in Africa ?
16 I could perhaps mention titles only : technology , choice of technology and the link with the again the unemployment problem ; fields like rural development planning and erm the associated questions of rural industrialization of the balance between town and country , of migration from the country to the town and it 's implications for both country and town .
17 I am afraid I could only manage part of the meal and I cut out the second and third courses completely , and only had gravy and vegetables for the third , but most people at my table went right through the menu !
18 There was a figure on either side of him but I could only see Charlie Vaughan .
19 All I could do was to mumble that I regretted not taking my degree , and , though I could see it was irritating of me to whine , to feel stale and bored was not such a trivial thing ; that though we might have the vote now , meals still had to be prepared and children looked after and since this kind of drudgery was despised by society as not being ‘ real work ’ , we were in the hideous position of being both exhausted and imprisoned by it and also looked down on for doing it ; that I had honestly tried to be the sort of wife Richard wanted — and the sort of wife I felt I ought to be — but it was like being in a kind of airless cell and I could only see Richard as a jailer ; that I saw myself becoming progressively more and more incapable of doing anything , not just mentally , but from some kind of paralysis of will .
20 and so I could only have marmite or fruit to eat and
21 When I tried embroidery I was ashamed that I could only produce ugliness from the beautiful silks .
22 She emphasised that I could only share rooms with someone Tata would have considered ‘ acceptable ’ .
23 ‘ Two nights ago my telephone rang , but very softly , and I could only hear whispers .
24 For I knew there were English-speaking visitors in Geneva if I could only establish communication with them ; they might be induced to take up my cause .
25 I could now forget Bill for hours , even days , then one sniff of wet plaster and I went straight back to Marcus Small Ward Two .
26 I could now see Malc on the front row quite clearly .
27 ‘ You mean , I could now have cancer of the lung ? ! ’
28 I could then buy food and give Mom the change , so ensuring we ate adequately .
29 I could certainly smell coffee brewing .
30 He said : ‘ Having become heartily sick of my private life myself , I could hardly expect others to take a more charitable view . ’
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