Example sentences of "[pers pn] when they [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What I find if you you when they get to erm not necessarily a speech but a pertinent part you 've got to read it two or three times
2 The pitiable Mr Pygling , who jerked through the little town with a stick — it turned out he had Parkinson 's disease — doffed his check cap to Jane and even held the door open for her when they ran into each other at a shop until she opened the house to the public ( having restored it sufficiently ) on Sundays .
3 Detectives are not sure whether the girl was deliberately kidnapped or if the thieves simply did not notice her when they jumped into the car .
4 She wondered if she would be fortunate enough to see him when they returned to Millfield .
5 His mother — God rest her — had got more of a spark out of him when they went to nearby Ballymahon and Oliver Goldsmith 's birthplace , but that was only because he had already at school learned off by heart the whole of ‘ The Deserted Village ’ .
6 Lionel Luyt told me that John quickly tagged on to him when they met during those Johannesburg seasons , and was eager for discussions which went on , after performances , into the small hours .
7 ‘ Biographers are simply novelists without imagination , ’ he imagines Dickens saying to him when they meet in one of the fictional reveries which are sprinkled into the biography proper .
8 But he had advised them not to contact him when they arrived in Bucharest .
9 Benny and Eve were in the window of Healy 's Hotel practising having cups of coffee so that they would look well accustomed to it when they got to the Dublin coffee houses .
10 You feel as if a group like the Spinners really mean it when they speak of tenderness and affection .
11 And let's face it when they go to school they can have free school dinners and then we can get them free clothes as well ca n't we ?
12 The second one shows it in the condition in which her parents found it when they went in there on that morning a few days ago ’ ( p. 156–7 ) .
13 But you co could go on , I mean if you if they do n't know it you can still use it when they get to secondary school .
14 Or turn to a well what do you call it when they turn to a liquid .
15 It covers that period — she began it when they moved to Richmond .
16 Lifted and dropped his shoulders a few times , he 'd seen people do it when they tried on clothes in stores .
17 Cor I bet that nearly deafens them when they listen to that tape and he 's squawking on it .
18 And she said , sometimes I can agree with you she said , but some of them when they come into a library , you feel helped
19 Cars will be fitted with equipment which will register them when they pass through electronic gates .
20 Like the makhilas or elaborately worked sticks made of medlar , with a sharp goad concealed in the handle ; these look decorative enough but they were weapons before they became art forms and Basque men always carried them when they went to markets or cattle fairs and often fought with them .
21 Scum could nt beat them when they went to the Sty with the same negative defence .
22 Some grow much better in damp places where the fish could nibble at them when they felt like it or if they needed to — in a similar way to a dog eating grass — and for much the same reason .
23 At common law the possessor of ‘ cattle ’ was strictly liable , independently of scienter , for damage done by them when they trespassed on the land of his neighbour .
24 What happened to them when they got to the other end I have never dared to ask , but perhaps these few illustrations ( pages 82–83 ) will convince you that Doc Winfield actually sat in this contraption and was hooked from a completely static position by an aircraft into the air and probably ( and I never found out ) delivered to some hospital none the worse for the experiment .
25 He was weaving in and out of the cars , jumping over them when they got in his way , his face hard and grim with determination .
26 One of the strongest indications of class throughout the world came to be the length of time the travellers were prepared to spend at the station and the quantity of baggage which they had with them when they passed through it .
27 If the adventurers have destroyed the Blackshard , the Oracle ( if he still lives ) wo n't attack them when they return to room 66 ( all the mucus in stairwell 67 will have magically vanished by this time , allowing them to return ) .
28 Your net intercepts them when they return from feeding and you must therefore ensure that the nets are set in exactly the right place — without the rabbits being aware of your presence .
29 Her grandmother , Ruth , Lady Fermoy went along as their chaperone and accompanied them when they returned to Buckingham Palace for a cold buffet supper in his apartments .
30 But nobody bothered them when they returned to the white salon .
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