Example sentences of "[pers pn] know when i was " in BNC.

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1 Cos I know when I was at school we actually got our sex education in fourth year , and it was by a visiting lecturer , it was this wee old man about fifty , he said basically , this is a male body , this is a female body , nothing about sexuality , orgasms anything !
2 I know when I was at you just had one thing with a funny flavour and that 'll put you off that thing
3 ‘ When I was an accountant I knew when I was going to be busy well in advance .
4 Some of them had come quite a way , from Phobos , even , people I knew when I was still hustling for my white card .
5 I knew when I was beaten .
6 If you think of the environment Gerry Conlon was in when he was wrongfully arrested — that world of squats and lodging houses and casual labour — that 's the world I knew when I was younger .
7 I knew when I was ten , or even earlier .
8 When the studios were built , I wanted to record some of the songs I knew when I was young and I wanted to record them the way I wanted to hear them .
9 Pig iron you know er pig iron was what they had I 've seen them pouring furnaces pouring it onto the pig beds , and you know when I was a kid when we lived in Caldmore from about half past nine at night all across West Bromwich , Wednesbury all over that area , you 'd see the sky light up and it was due to the pouring of er pouring the pig iron .
10 Yes but the , the general ones we 've got in those flip you know when I was off , when I had my cartilage removed in my knee , well I was off for six weeks so I got all the photographs and put them in order , the children and us , you know ?
11 And eh , Simon got all the mud all and he said you know when I was young , we were ahead of the , but now we 're well behind
12 We , one does n't try to lose things , but they just happen do n't they really I think I appreciate more now , you know when I was , when I was teaching I used to think oh stupid woman she 's not , to bring this book in and you know , and now I think oh dear , huh , yeah and you also appreciate the people , I would appreciate now those who managed to do it every day without fail , manage to sort of let , because they must of put themselves out no end to have
13 Yes I mean er when I s er you know when I was on the Q E Two and was chatting with a fella and er he , they 'd been , he 'd obviously been cruising before and was on this cruise and er they were going on the er another Cunard ship a few months later , and it turned out that he was a hotelier who 'd bought a hotel in Swanage some years ago , I think he 'd had about seven bedrooms when he bought it and he gradually extended it , I forget how many he did tell me , and then he had a bit of a heart er attack and er his doctor told him to , you know , well if I were you I 'd just pack in your job which he did and that was about fifteen years ago he was I du n no if he was eighty or he was approaching eighty if he was n't and was in pretty good form , he was dancing , and er , you know , I mean there money 's no object .
14 I ge to be honest though erm half the problem 's been I think that it 's been spoiling off so much crap , you know when I was doing those little things
15 Well you know the first time I went was oh I du n no , before the war you know when I was about four or five and I went to get one out I mean my parents
16 And , ah , oh aye , and she says they 're out playing and the s and she says you know what kids are like Jean , and she says like I would n't try even to say to my kids not to go near them because you would n't tell them because they 're only kids and she says they 're like playing in the square and she says like I would David and down here you know when I was coming down
17 You know when I was giving the introduction I talked about targeting , studying and so forth .
18 You knew when I was born what would happen to me ! ’
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