Example sentences of "[pers pn] can [vb infin] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He has it firmly in his head that this whole fracas is on my account , and nothing I can say will sway him .
2 To accurately imitate what I can see will require that I use smaller shapes than those used in other parts of the painting .
3 To accurately imitate what I can see will require that I use smaller shapes than those used in other parts of the painting .
4 During this period I have learnt a great deal about what children like [ and dislike ] at parties and have gathered together a selection of games , songs and magic tricks which I can guarantee will make any party a day to remember , for both children and adults .
5 I mean that 's the sort of thing if the press decides that somebody 's not a good thing , then that person is not a good thing and almost nothing he or she can do can change it .
6 Every £6 you can send will help save a child 's life .
7 On the other hand , can you see if coordination gets er deteriorates in any way you 're going to be cut off from an awful lot of things you now , you might have been marvellous at embroidery , it gave you a lot of satisfaction but if your co coordination starts to go then the quality of what you can do will satisfy you , will dissatisfy you , make you feel annoyed .
8 But has there ever been any effort to by management or by anyone at all to change you and say , Okay you 've proved you can sing let's update it let's get a faster beat anybody ever said that to you ?
9 The number of core units you can afford will depend on the total points value of the army .
10 In practice , the number of Bosses and Big Bosses you can afford will determine how many infantry and cavalry units you have .
11 The type of aid you can use will vary depending on your subject , but you can think about using :
12 Sometimes the fact that you are doing something concrete to help someone with whom you can empathise can help you to forget your own personal misgivings .
13 However , for such of these variables as we can conjecture may have such an influence , we may be able to match the experimental and control groups .
14 But this does not show that the sentences from which we can start must differ in type from those , only that their degree of observationality must be much greater .
15 ‘ As soon as it gets light I think all the hunters we can spare should go out , ’ said Grimma .
16 Obviously the policy is there if we can take let's try and do them one at a time .
17 No no , there are natural , we always have a strong preference for something but we can actually develop them , just like management style we have a strong preference for , for one style but it is something that we can learn can get more and try and rationale sort of like theoretical we can try and rationalize what 's perhaps happening is that in situations when we 're not gaining a lot and it could be that it 's because it 's had a lot of activity and we can actually gain more from it we can rationalize it and analyze it .
18 Nothing that they can do can alter the fact that they are our responsibility .
19 Anyone who thinks they can help should call Dorothy Davison on .
20 A bureau that promises more output than it can deliver can expect to be penalized by lower budgetary allocations in the future ( Niskanen 1971 , p. 42 ) .
21 Your familiarity with the machine and what it can do will suggest to you ways you can use it in your teaching .
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