Example sentences of "[pers pn] can [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 I can pretend to be your uncle David .
2 Except Tony says I can return to being Security manager .
3 Unless I can manage to be off sick again .
4 I can begin to be a real father to my girls and prepare for the day when I 'll be a grandfather to their children .
5 Then , one week , the quietest woman in the group said : ‘ This is the only place where I can afford to be honest , ’ and somehow it seemed the healing process had begun .
6 Every girl in New York who is not a singer is only waiting for the right break to come along so she can get to be one .
7 If you can not get out and about , you can continue to be active , either doing housework or gardening ( there are aids to help disabled gardeners ) or doing exercises suggested by the health visitor , district nurse or doctor .
8 The people in prison are the only people you have — whatever problems you 've got , you know the only people you can talk to are the women in prison .
9 disgusting but then they 're not the sort of people you can talk to are they ?
10 Touch legering , like so many things worth doing , needs to be practised before you can expect to be proficient .
11 With both types , the lenders have your new home as security , but since they 're taking a bigger risk than normal , you can expect to be charged a higher rate of interest .
12 You can expect to be promoted within two or three years of qualifying .
13 You can decide to be imperfect , to do things in your own time , to please yourself , not to be strong and to try only as much as you like .
14 What you want is to be able to answer a few sensible questions uniquely identifying you , the trouble is there 's probably a repertoire of only ten of those questions , you 're going to get asked three or four of them , but those questions , your date of birth , your telephone number , the er address of your bank and so on and so forth , if you 're a private detective you can get those , you can have them on a sheet of paper and you can pretend to be whoever you like .
15 You can afford to be generous .
16 You can afford to be cheap and cheerful when it comes to just about every other accessory , but a bag says more about you than all the rest put together .
17 You can afford to be ca n't you ?
18 Gross has happily classified some 3,000 under various headings : Self-Love ( ’ To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance ’ — Oscar Wilde ) ; Love , Jealousy , Libido ( ’ No woman so naked as one you can see to be naked underneath her clothes ’ — Michael Frayn ) ; Secrets ( ’ There is something about a cupboard that makes a skeleton terribly restless ’ — anon ) and Criticism ( ’ In some cases taking up the trade of critic is only an embittered form of renunciation ’ — Albert Guinon ) .
19 Bear in mind that any speed limit is a maximum , it does not mean that it is safe to drive at that speed , always take into account all the conditions at the time , never drive so fast that you can not stop well within the distance you can see to be clear .
20 If you fear the threat of violence you can ask to be excluded from the public extract .
21 Or you can dare to be alone with yourself .
22 You can train to be a Navy Cook without any particular previous formal qualifications , although any knowledge you bring from a technical college will give you an advantage .
23 Sometimes , just knowing you 've got something else you can turn to is all you need cos you do n't need
24 Clearly the degree of definition we can go to is only one character , but we have drop down menus we have the ability to move pop up windows and dialog boxes , the ability to scroll horizontally and vertically within those windows , and the ability to emulate the use of a mouse by the use of arrow keys and the numeric keypad on an ordinary character terminal .
25 Given our financial priorities , we will not be challenging the big six in Europe but we can expect to be an increasingly strong player .
26 According to Goffmann , what lends credibility to our concepts of personal self is the recognition of certain rules or conventions which limit the claims we can expect to be acknowledged with respect to freedom from untoward threat , interference and so forth .
27 Deer , wild boar , so we can claim to be connoisseurs .
28 Whereas we used to have what you might call an across-the-table relationship with our customers , now we can claim to be sitting on the same side of the table . ’
29 We can divide the components of sea water into three erm categories firstly those things which we can consider to be major constituents these are substances which are present are concentrations greater than one part per million .
30 It may be that , at least in the Western World , we have reached a level of wealth where we can afford to be concerned about the environment .
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