Example sentences of "[pers pn] would be going [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The assistant governor [ AG ] who I saw four days after I got into prison told me I 'd be going to Cookham Wood or Bullwood Hall in two to three weeks .
2 I do n't think I 'd be going to court if I had anything to be concerned about .
3 Oh I know but , if I was getting studio time there 's no way I 'd be going through the
4 She was smiling a pleased smile , and working things out ; I think it must have been the afternoon ( the only time she visited my primary school ) she was told that I 'd be going into the eleven-plus class and so ( because everyone in the class passed the exam ) would be going to grammar school .
5 I ca n't think of a time when I would be going by myself in the near future .
6 Not that you did much , you 'd be going from class to class entertaining the kids with your dances and stories .
7 It was not as if she would be going to his home .
8 When Clare talked to Tess of their future , and the farm they would have abroad , she could hardly believe that she would be going through the world by his side .
9 We said we 'd be going for cost space reductions .
10 ‘ You said that we 'd be going to a restaurant ! ’
11 I mean we all know it , and we all know there 's a lot on this list which are most unpalatable , and they 're only there because we 've been set the task of reaching a particular sum of money , and er , if we had the choice we 'd be going in the reverse direction , and , and adding .
12 ‘ I thought we 'd be going by boat . ’
13 Although all the recruit instruction was normally carried out at Castelnaudary , we had been informed that we would be going to Orange , the base of the 1er Régiment Étranger de Cavalerie , as Castelnaudary was overcrowded .
14 If they were working they 'd be going to discos , but because they ca n't work they stay at home , and because they 're girls they do the housework , though they feel they are doing somebody else 's housework .
15 They 'd be going in one continuous line through the streets .
16 As she went from the room , Beth could hear Cissie moaning behind her , and knew they would be going through the same old argument when she returned to the kitchen .
17 The thing that made me a little envious was this girl — she 's his assistant on this particular film — ringing up , and there was a slight chance they would be going to Switzerland that day , and suddenly I was in there again and I thought how exciting it all was and how nice it would be to go off filming again .
18 The council made many of the necessary arrangements for the changeover and told pupils which schools they would be going to .
19 Cos they would be going to their coach , or team or what have you , and saying , Look we want to .
20 Since they would be going in different directions and at different times , Dora would use their car and another member of the group would give Rose a lift .
21 He said well he used to go and he 'd sort of look up at it , and he 'd sort of think about how he was gon na put it in there he said then he 'd be going like this then he 'd sort of get hold of the other hand he said and he 'd put it in like that and these other old boys are going like this with full hands you know ?
22 And if Jesus was around today he would be going to the places that you and I would think twice about going to , not because he wanted to have a good time , but because he wanted to relate to the people who were there .
23 Hostilities in Europe ended on May 8 , and soon after the Squadron was informed that it would be going to the Far East as part of the ‘ Tiger Force ’ , and on June 16 Sugar went with the rest of the unit to Metheringham to prepare for the move .
24 He knew that it would be going to the Ministry of Defence , but the paperwork submitted to the Department of Trade and Industry would state that the purchaser was the Ministry of Agriculture ; Department of Trade and Industry rules said that manufactured goods could be exported to Iraq only if they had no military usage .
25 But , though legal and advised , many women refuse to have abortions because it would be going against their beliefs .
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