Example sentences of "[pers pn] would [adv] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 ‘ To say I would n't cash her cheque .
2 And I would n't leave her side .
3 I said seriously that I quite understood , and that I would n't hold her responsible if nothing happened .
4 ‘ Oh , ’ he said , at once , ‘ I would probably give her eight hours to quit . ’
5 I did my best to reassure her that I would not think her stupid , no matter what her problem .
6 I would not trust her promises . ’
7 I would not consider her ruthless in the sense of deliberately hurting anyone , but she will protect her position and protect her children fiercely .
8 ‘ We quarrelled a lot when I was younger , ’ Lizzie says , ‘ because I would never follow her advice .
9 I would now ask Her Royal Highness as our President to mark this very special award by unveiling our ensign to you the members of the R Y A at this A G M.
10 BELVILLE : I take her to an artful young baggage and had I a young handsome butler or steward she 'd soon make her market of one of them and snap at him for a husband .
11 One dog would go in , and she 'd just shake her tail and come back , and you could n't get her in afterwards because she knew that they 'd cleared off .
12 No good asking Olga Stych ; she 'd just stick her nose in the air and say that Boyd was doing very well .
13 Maybe she 'd rather see her friend first , even if she had to cry after , ’ Nick said .
14 Just shows you what her priorities are really rather than handsome man she 'd rather have her jewels .
15 And she 'd , she 'd even get her girlfriend 's mother to ring up to say she was staying there the night , the mothers used to s ring up Joan tell them that it was al alright for er for er Andrea to stay there the night and she was never , she was camping out in the fields with a crowd of them oh
16 At this rate she would have an accident , and she 'd only have her own stubbornness to blame for it .
17 For herself , she 'd never open her mouth to him again .
18 And even if she did she 'd never get her hands dirty helping in a kitchen ! ’
19 Until she met the Crowley family she was a lost , lonely and abused teenager who was doing so much damage to herself that social workers said she 'd never see her eighteenth birthday .
20 She 'd obviously hit her head during the impact because there was a small trickle of blood on her forehead .
21 But he 'd got it coming , and she — she 'd got his word that , when it was all over , she 'd still have her job .
22 She 'd still get her bloody fingers in there though !
23 She kept her eyes lowered when Feargal stood to speak , because if he glanced at her , and she saw contempt in his eyes , she would probably lose her temper , and that would n't be fair , not on Terry 's day .
24 She must be successful sometimes or she would n't make her living at it . ’
25 She would n't want her loyal subject imprisoned .
26 She would n't waste her enforced imprisonment in Castle Perilous , she would make a start on her lines !
27 Eve had n't known that Birdie Mac who ran the sweet shop had a man from Ballylee who had been calling for fifteen years , but she would n't leave her old mother and the man from Ballylee would n't come to Knockglen .
28 I would have been there the day but I had to go and marry a lass from down here , and she would n't leave her mother .
29 Whatever happened , she would n't let her determination waver over the rejection of the abominable Draper .
30 She would n't raise her eyes .
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