Example sentences of "[pers pn] will [adv] make [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I will not make use of the ransom theory in my retelling of the drama , but I shall cling on to the primitive belief , which I believe to be the correct biblical one , that God 's atonement in incarnation and cross was the crucial victory in the Great Battle not only over sin but also over the Devil and the powers of darkness .
2 I will always make people angry or happy because I make things happen .
3 There their numbers were swelled to 200 fighting men and 500 elders , women and children by the arrival of Looking Glass , who declared bitterly : ‘ Now , my people , as long as I live I will never make peace with the treacherous Americans .
4 I have a rule that once I consider a portrait is finished , I will never make alterations ; after all , as the painter , you are painting a portrait for yourself and not for the sitter 's wife . ’
5 But I wo n't make love to you while your mind 's still closed to me , Shannon Lea . ’
6 I wo n't make love to you ever again and that is giving you a fighting chance because now you know the outcome in advance .
7 The only difference is that I wo n't make promises that I ca n't keep . ’
8 Advantages : With 11 or so other parents involved in the circle , it 's unlikely you 'll be stuck for a sitter ; it 's free of charge ; you 'll probably make friends in the area .
9 There 's not the same pressure on the dealing floor as at DPR , but you 'll still make loads of money .
10 You might make sales , you 'll certainly make contacts and it probably wo n't put you off the world of TV forever .
11 But do n't go around being cross or you 'll only make enemies for yourself .
12 ‘ But you know what they say , ’ he adds , with a wink of those sparkling Irish eyes , ‘ You 'll only make God laugh if you tell him your plans … . by Garth Pearce
13 You will never make Archon . ’
14 The important thing in this case was to reward him for being good rather than punish him for being naughty — if you scold or hit a young horse for not standing still you will only make matters worse .
15 You will only make things more painful for yourself later , and more pleasurable for me . ’
16 It is doubtful however if this is how you will really make things happen which is what management is really about .
17 If you take the line of least resistance or fail to be consistent , you will actually make things worse .
18 It 's bound to be a bit strange for you at first , but saying you wo n't make love to your own husband in your own house because of the servants … ’
19 Mind you , we 'll still make sets with the old gauge low Bs in them , because some players do n't want to make the shift and some basses just are n't set up for strings that big . ’
20 However , we will not make changes unless they benefit the United Kingdom .
21 The hon. Gentleman would do well to recall that the policies of so many Labour authorities leaving properties empty and voids untreated which significantly adds to the level of homelessness ; until those Labour authorities operate properly with their housing resources , they will not make inroads into the housing problem .
22 But because it 's got to be right across the board , and they wo n't make exception , of people like myself and others who are living in the community that need home help .
23 They will grumble but they wo n't make war ; tell Bismarck not to be in any way bothered about this .
24 The other possible way of answering your question is to think in terms of having a large project in which you would write a whole series of poems that would add up into a book , which as it happens I have just done , since I have just published a book of poems which are all retellings of bible stories , and there the subjects quite clearly came from the outside , though I mean unless they latch onto something inside you they wo n't make poems .
25 It 'll only make things that much harder for you .
26 And it came home to me that you know we all had to come to terms in some way with erm with what it was all about and the kids and you know and it became something of a I mean i it was the experience that we went through you know it was i it was you know something that we 'll always remember I think because it 'll always make Christmas different I think for us in a way you know but it And when they came up from South Wales with car loads and van loads and I mean we all just sobbed you know I mean there was nothing to do really you know it was just and I think anyway that was Christmas , but I mean er .
27 It will also make transactions , such as cross border offerings , a great deal easier and less costly than before .
28 This will exclude the counter-examples , but it will also make knowledge a rare phenomenon at best .
29 It will also make implementation of the Directive 's detailed provisions into UK law relatively straightforward .
30 If there is no major seasonal consideration , it will usually make sense to advertise at periods when the advertising market is normally ‘ soft ’ — January/ February and July/August — since it is then possible to buy good positions and spots at more favourable rates .
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