Example sentences of "[pers pn] will [verb] a new " in BNC.

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1 I 'll get a new one of these when we move . ’
2 I 'll get a new pair of goggles for it .
3 I 'll get a new get a nice small engine in it no problem man !
4 No , I 'll get a new one , I thought I 'd co
5 I 'll need a new challenge . ’
6 ‘ One will do fine for his dallta , Lachlan , but I 'll have a new one made for your heir .
7 no no I think I 'll have a new one , that 's got very thin
8 Well I 'll have a new book now when I go , right , and you can have my old one .
9 So I thought I 'll have a new carpet in my hall .
10 Yeah , you 'll be driving this one well I 'll have a new one .
11 twisted , warped , it 's in a sense it 's exactly the same as the circle , you know you draw the circle it 's a line that starts there and goes perfectly round and comes back to the starting point , it 's exactly the same as that , but it 's been pushed out at the edges , it 's been dented in here , it 's not recognisable now as that same circle , although it 's what it is , and you see what , what has happened is although we 've sinned , although we 've come short of God 's plan , God has n't destroyed the whole thing , he could so easily just taken up the human life and crumple it up and thrown it on the heap , said finished with them , ca n't be bothered , I 'll start all over again with new people , I 'll have a new creation , well he did have a new creation , but he kept that same creation , he said I 'm gon na work on it , I 'm gon na do something with it , I 'm gon na restore it , I 'm gon na ransom it , I 'm gon na redeem it , I 'm gon na make it again , not just like it was , but I 'm gon na make it even more wonderful and more beautiful .
12 er , I 'll put a new switch on and wire , it ai n't the wire at all it 's the switch
13 ‘ If you will excuse me , ’ she said politely — no single woman ought to be talking alone with a man at nearly midnight — ‘ I will collect a new candle from the kitchen and retire again . ’
14 The days are coming , says the Lord , When I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel …
15 I 've promised him that I will make a new life for myself and not think of the past .
16 Finish one on a Friday and you 'll start a new one on the Monday
17 So , along with your eyebrows , and along with your facial hair and along with your erm skin treatment , your facial , you 'll feel a new person wo n't you ?
18 You 'll find a new slant on two old favourites — the grater and lemon squeezer — in the Pyrex Cuisine set ( £9.99 ) from department stores .
19 You 'll enjoy a new way of eating , based on natural , whole ingredients , with this diet plan — and you wo n't have to go hungry
20 You 'll need a new file for the report , but register it to Biology under the Muddington reference with a sub-group number .
21 And if you 're going back to Cyprus next spring , you 'll need a new cover . ’
22 UK Birmingham-based IMI 's Uniplex Ltd office automation software outfit will next week announce the appointment of Margaret Gymer to the post of director of international services : she 'll head a new service and support unit the company is starting to look after that side of the business , which is now said to account for some 20% of the company 's revenue .
23 And while admitting to being ‘ pampered , cosseted and over-paid ’ , she dismissed reports that she will earn £300,000 a year from January , when she will front a new BBC show Entertainment Express , as untrue and exaggerated .
24 One of her closest aides revealed last night : ‘ You will see a new Princess Royal in 1993 .
25 If you look through a family history and hit upon an advantageous marriage , the chances are that you will find a new house or a completely restored one at around the same date .
26 You will find a new one at the bazaar , I hope . ’
27 ‘ Forgive me , Chieh Hsia , ’ he had said , ‘ but you will need a new general now . ’
28 It 's not the Crazy Gang any more but maybe we 'll find a new name . ’
29 And maybe we 'll see a new look , too .
30 ‘ Maybe some day we 'll get a new hotel as well , but that 's a longer term possibility .
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