Example sentences of "[pers pn] will [vb infin] its [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Give me a child at seven , ’ he 'd mock , ‘ and I 'll fill its head with so much gibberish and superstition I 'll have it scared of its own shadow for the rest of its life . ’
2 I will watch its progress with much interest .
3 One day soon I will rip its beak off and glue it onto the end of my own fine aquiline conk , and , secure in my new disguise , I 'll be down to the Inland Revenue Enforcement ( B ) in Barrington Road and scrabbling frantically at my tax inspector 's trousers ( I may be wrong , but I picture them as that specially rich shade of brown polyester-and-worsted that only Dunn & Co can achieve ) before you can say , ‘ Well , what 's got into you , dearie ? ’
4 For the rest of this address I will describe its role for me in my spiritual journey .
5 One day , perhaps , consciousness will have shifted and generic she will lose its shock value .
6 Try to become " allergic " to such phrases as Eliminate these and similar phrases from your writing and you will find its clarity and readability much improved .
7 If you have followed our series on the use of the C programming language , then you will recognise its value to the practising engineer .
8 I hope that you will consider its relevance to your own activities .
9 At first , the sensation may seem strange but , after a few minutes , you will appreciate its comfort .
10 Come back in a fortnight and we 'll check its progress , but you 'll find it takes a few weeks to really heal properly because we use that toe a great deal for balance . ’
11 The Press Complaints Commission is now in operation , and we will monitor its work carefully to see if self-regulation succeeds .
12 We have discussed ‘ cooperation ’ by implication in our study of conflict , but we will summarise its nature briefly here .
13 We will consider its mystery as well as its glory .
14 Its now said it 'll extend its offer to Morland shareholders by another fourteen days …
15 Informix says it 'll have its database software up on Digital Equipment Corp 's Alpha AXP next month — the stuff is out now on Solaris 2.1 under Sparc .
16 Now the hardware side , Sun Microsystems Computer Corp has responded to the waves of criticism by saying that it will make its silicon designs available to some semiconductor fabricators so that they can make , sell and support chips based on those designs worldwide .
17 It will sing its song to the rhythm of our love .
18 When a badger is foraging , especially for the earthworms which it loves , it will stuff its nose into the earth and vegetation and make a noise like a pig rooting .
19 Ottawa-based Corel Corp has an OEM agreement with Compaq Computer Corp under which it will offer its CorelDraw graphics package through the new Compaq DirectPlus direct response marketing service : it will be sold separately to start with , but may be offered pre-installed later .
20 British Airways said it will exercise its option on $16.3m worth of new shares being offered by USAir , to maintain its 24.6% stake in the American airline .
21 It is most commonly woven into textured or pile fabrics and it has an advantage over wool in that when washed correctly ( without too much heat ) it will retain its shape , drip dry and need little ironing .
22 But to a remarkable extent Kilvert succeeded in turning its limitations — its narrow range of vision and the naïvety of his own judgements — into advantages , to give it a vividness and a simplicity shared by few similar journals ; and it seems likely that it will retain its place as at once a major document of Victorian rural life and a minor but moving work of literature .
23 It will retain its strength more in some places than in others .
24 There will be no flood , he wrote , and there will be no fire , but it will do its work .
25 8 Make a final check on the photograph before it is taken to ensure that it will do its job .
26 It is the image in your mind which is important and , as long as you are always able to link that image with Marco Polo , it will serve its purpose .
27 It is more important for him to be satisfied that it will serve its purpose once installed .
28 In Suffolk , we are particularly glad that Customs and Excise has at last been persuaded that horse-racing is an industry not a hobby , and that it will adjust its VAT demands accordingly .
29 It will transport its face , with sure strength ,
30 It will continue its policy of competitive tendering and this reorganisation will reinforce the contractual relationship it must have with D&W and other business units in Commercial Division on the same basis as with external contractors .
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