Example sentences of "[pers pn] that if you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It would seem to me that if you 've got to prove a case that there that it is the place of last resort , and that place of last resort has got to be at least five thousand dwellings , you are in a place where there is absolute massive growth of demand , and improbably no one has been able to meet a five year supply of housing land , if you are to meet it in the term , if y if those are the criteria to meeting the terms of th of this sort of plan , and in fact what I would submit is that a new settlement solution is very much a part and parcel of a long term solution , and that 's where essentially the County strategy is quite right in proposing a new settlement in the context of the greenbelt , because also greenbelt is a long term solution .
2 He told me that if you put one in a box and tapped on the lid , it would knock back , thinking you were another beetle offering itself in marriage . ’
3 One of the things about when you are old and move to a residential home I think one of the important things is that you want to go and live close to your loved ones , if you have any , and it does just worry me that if you happen to be a person who is resident in and your loved ones live in , under these terms if you went to a residential home in you would n't qualify for the higher rate and that seems to me to be wrong .
4 I was not very old when Dad told me that if you stood under it for very long , it would attract the coins out of your pocket .
5 Then the judges come before you and tell you that if you wish to ascend you must erase your karma , and do penance for crimes in your life .
6 It had a necessary place , provided a perspective , reminded you that if you go hubristic and conceited to the rocks you wo n't last long .
7 ‘ Well , I 'm now telling you that if you go nicking again , you 'll get seven days ’ hard labour scrubbing this house out .
8 ‘ How many times must I tell you that if you let things go too far , nobody can stop what will undoubtedly happen ?
9 I promise you that if you persevere with aerobic walking the psychological benefits alone will make you want to get out every day .
10 Now I have , and I 'm telling you that if you marry him then you 'll be committing the biggest mistake in your brief little life . ’
11 It also reminds you that if you do n't cut it expertly to obtain this effect , the professionals will , and you may not like it .
12 ‘ I 've been to see your husband , ’ she said — I did n't like that at all — ‘ and he asked me to tell you that if you do n't return home by the end of the week he is going to join forces with Kirsty Bull : she 's coming to live in and look after your children . ’
13 In their advertising the emphasis is always on telling you that if you have the latest lens you 'll get the best picture , and that you should continually update your equipment .
14 I had a close look at that table , obviously a matter of some interest and that 's the reason I return to this , as I read the table , there is a very substantial amount of double counting within it , for this reason , that all outstanding er planning permissions are included once , and there are then separate categories of allowance for all types of sites , namely large windfalls , conversions , small sites , and allocated sites , those are all put in , er or most of them are put in at thirteen years worth , that being the remainder of the plan period to two thousand and six , it will not have escaped you that if you include thirteen years worth all the existing commissions are part of that thirteen years , and so simplest approach to correct that table would simply to discount the outstanding commitments , because they 're all counted again as part of the thirteen years , I do have a secondary point that the allowance for conversions is very much higher than what seems to be happening , and in what is in the tables that er Mr Thomas drew it to your attention from the York City er appendix eight , so that er on on two counts , but mainly the double counting one there is a great deal of er erm optimism , if I can call it that , in that table .
15 A boy next door called Rupert Entwistle had told her that if you chopped off a newt 's tail , the tail stayed alive and grew into another newt ten times bigger than the first one .
16 Rumour had it that if you went to a Norman Mailer party , you 'd see people smoking marijuana , covertly passing around a joint behind the bushes at the bottom of the garden .
17 ACHINESE proverb has it that if you want to be happy for a week , get married ; for a month , kill a pig ; for a lifetime , plant a garden .
18 I was now able to test responses to questions such as ‘ Why is it that if you want to create an ideal family as the basis of society , Unification husbands are often expected to leave their wives , and mothers are asked to leave their children while they are sent to work on a mission , possibly thousands of miles away ? ’
19 The trade admit there can be problems obtaining some spares for the Fiat Strada , but Norman Watson , manager of the spares department of Stanley Motors , East Prescot Road , Liverpool ( tel : assures us that if you contact him he will order the correct replacement for you .
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