Example sentences of "[pers pn] that i be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Ellen Orford in the poem is a middle-aged woman and it was fortuitous for me that I was about the right age — it 's not a part for a young soprano .
2 Not until I arrived on the 18th tee 1-down did it suddenly occur to me that I was on the point of losing .
3 I remember many occasions when friends would reassure me that I was like them , there were n't any differences .
4 I hardly knew how I was able to face it , either then or at any other time of my life in this mocking world , but I did , though it did not seem to me that I was in any way heroic — just the opposite , in fact .
5 It proved to me that I was in earnest , that I was truly resolved .
6 It did n't occur to me that I was in labour because it was too early .
7 She says Chris , that 's her in office , she 's told me that I 'm off the subsidy now , she says I 've been on it twelve week and er
8 Anyway , I learn quickly ; it showed me that I 'm on my own — my dear parents , bless them , are simply too pure and innocent to see what is so obvious to me .
9 All this mental harassment has affected me so much that my doctor has warned me that I 'm of the edge of a nervous breakdown .
10 Go and signal to them that I 'm on my way . ’
11 Did I tell you that I was at Belsen just after it was liberated ? ’
12 You did n't give your mum any money to get that C D did you that I was after ?
13 But I grant you that I 'm behind the times in some ways .
14 It felt churlish to tell him that I was in a hurry , that the coffee would have to be quick .
15 Tell him that I 'm with you , but that you 're not quite sure how much you ought to tell me .
16 Would you mind telling her that I 'm in Seabourne and I think I 'm going to be late for our appointment at two o'clock ?
17 Mum guessed there was something and in the end I told her that I was in love with a married man .
18 Do I take it that I 'm to be redeemed from that particular fate ?
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