Example sentences of "[pers pn] have taken out of " in BNC.

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1 All she had taken out of Ireland when she had fled had been the money she had made there and her trade — and her trade was that of a Madam .
2 How quickly you recover depends on how much you have taken out of yourself , and this will be different for everyone .
3 one , two , three casualties so it will take four people to carry her , four people to carry her , four people to carry him , that is sixteen , that is , altogether , twelve plus three , fifteen people we 've taken out of the battle , yeah ?
4 What we 've done is we 've taken out of the table what is unlikely to happen , no not unlikely , er I 'll rephrase that , what is agreed will not come forward in in the structure plan period , the roll forward
5 They 've taken out of him .
6 And they 've taken out of his pay .
7 I was working and all of a sudden and one the woman began to sing Rock of Ages in a loud voice and then the man joined in and I sort of thought I heard sort of and I thought oh , they 've got a bottle which they 've taken out of their pockets which they were passing from side to side .
8 He is one of those individuals who has put even more back into the sport than he has taken out of it .
9 He held out the handful of nails and stuff he 'd taken out of his Dad 's shed .
10 Dyson broke off in mid-explanation , frowning at a piece of copy-paper he had taken out of a little brown envelope marked ‘ J. Dyson Esqre . ’
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