Example sentences of "[pers pn] have [det] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 The impression of IBM Corp , Digital Equipment Corp and their ilk lining up like lambs to the slaughter may seem hard to credit for customers that have been driven to accept very hard bargains , but that is what appears to be happening with this Gadarene rush by the major manufacturers to get into the facilities management business in the US : we understand that many of the savings and loans , banks and securities houses that have gratefully accepted offers by the majors to run their data processing operations for them has little to do with saving money over the term of the contract , much to do with their urgent need for cash upfront to repair their ravaged balance sheets — the key attraction of the deals being the money paid at the start of the contract for the data processing facilities ; if the customers are in that much need of cash , chances are that many of them wo n't be around in five or seven years ' time , so that having spent good money for computers they do n't need , the facilities managers will be left with idle installations and contracts with no residual value .
2 I had little to do with raising the money , but I watched in considerable awe those who did : Alan Hayling , Horsley , Chris Walsh and others .
3 There was a period of about twenty years when I had little to do with the club .
4 It would be like kicking her when she 's down — and I think she has enough to contend with at the moment . ’
5 Did you have much to do with the arrangement ?
6 Thrush Green was adept at putting two and two together and making five , and she had enough to contend with already , without being annoyed by foolish gossip .
7 You have enough to do with your money . ’
8 The whole sado-masochistic scene seemed to her to have little to do with love .
9 If the former administrator had gone mad , then the passion that possessed him had more to do with the re-establishment of the New Thinking in a new place , rather than any desire for vengeance .
10 The offering of a free service and the ability to advertise have obviously been key factors having little to do with questions of social class composition , though they have much to do with socialization since law centres perceive their role very differently from those in private practice .
11 Golf course get the thumbs down — the study says they have little to do with farm tourism — and further farm museums , rare breed centres and farm attractions which need a large number of visitors to service a high capital investment should not be encouraged .
12 These may be very useful in certain domains , but they have little to do with that actual flowing movement of life which concerns us deeply and intimately .
13 They are good educative examples of the search process , but it can be argued that they have little to do with practical intelligence .
14 They have little to do with whether a given sequence is or is not grammatical .
15 They have less to do with gender per se than with context , formality , subject matter , the relationship between the participants and their shared background assumptions .
16 It fits perfectly the charm and naivety of the early to mid-fifties ; it has little to do with the self conscious posturings of the later period that Scobie wishes to impute to it ; most of all that of the ‘ Beat generation ’ , for most of the book had been written before Howl howled and junkie commenced the near-universal junketings .
17 It has little to do with the quality of his jokes or the televisual cut of his suiting , although adequate performance here is important .
18 It has little to do with local regional architecture .
19 However , there is plenty of evidence that many of the teachers whose working lives will be transformed by the introduction of LMS still think it has little to do with them .
20 This sliding-scale approach might still have relevance to the Post Office Act , on which that case turned , but it has little to do with obscenity as defined in the 1959 Act .
21 Western society places the highest value on the most abstract , thus creating an elitism which means many people feel alienated from mathematics , and , apart from small groups , feel it has little to do with their lives .
22 So of his falling in love with Mrs Moore we are merely informed that ‘ even if I were free to tell the story , I doubt if it has much to do with the subject of this book , ’ and of his father 's death in the late summer of 1929 that this ‘ does not really come into the story I am telling ’ .
23 It is clear that reading is a dynamic activity in which the reader is actively involved — that it has much to do with the reader 's thought processes .
24 When sexual response in older people is reduced it has more to do with social factors such as the absence of a partner ; health problems , particularly relating to cardiovascular disease , diabetes , multiple sclerosis and prostrate troubles ; drug side-effects ( many drugs prescribed to older people can have adverse effects on sexual functioning ) ; and the intolerance of social attitudes towards sexual activity in older people , which consider sex to be the province of younger people and that older people make rather ridiculous lovers .
25 It has more to do with geography .
26 The fact that his form has been positively Bradmanesque may have something to do with this , but one suspects it has more to do with the ‘ Get Out of Jail Free ’ card he appears to be clutching .
27 Rather than being selected for our speciality , which also extends to French naturalism and British art generally at the turn of the century , I believe it has more to do with our publishing scholarly catalogues over the years and with our track record as dealers .
28 If , as the Department of Health survey reveals , most Brits are monogamous , it has less to do with morality than the fact that they believe a sexual partner is someone who helps you change the duvet .
29 ‘ Does he have much to do with the gamekeeper at the villa ? ’
30 In the 1460s , that was an outrage to accepted norms , and it had much to do with their downfall two years later .
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