Example sentences of "[pers pn] have [vb pp] on [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As for Edward — it was clear that I 'd stumbled on to sensitive ground .
2 ‘ I wish I 'd stayed on at college .
3 I 'd crumpled on to the door mat and I remember a fearful pain , but whether it was my head or my ankle , I do n't really know .
4 Once I 'd got on to the continent I 'd walk there if I had to .
5 But obviously I 'd got on to something a bit more skilled and I still had this know all attitude .
6 I did n't want to risk Mrs Long , and Mrs Travers knew where I had moved on to , so giving her name could cause problems as well .
7 I had moved on to selling friends ' addresses to the Chief-Corporal , and in return for the names and numbers of two Sloane girlfriends I had got the bed nearest the stove .
8 Now the last person I had moved on to the hundreds had enormous problems with the stickiness of them .
9 Joanne had handled the set-up of the press conference in Glasgow and I had gone on to Newcastle Airport to meet the plane there .
10 I flung the sporting pistol I had looted on to the back seat , relieved to think I would never have to defend myself with it .
11 I had held on to Lili , and Syl had brought me home insisting that our mothers should stay and go on to dinner with Lili and Robert and the gallery owner as planned .
12 At my first event in Fort Worth , I had held on to the few people I knew as though for dear life , terrified at the thought of being stranded in this great wilderness .
13 I stared wonderingly at the small , wax candle which I had thrown on to the floor of my chamber .
14 I had put on around a stone during the year and I was beginning to take on the traditional pear shape .
15 In normal circumstances , no one would have noticed if I had carried on from there .
16 I 've gone on to decaffeinated coffee I do drink decaffeinated
17 Aye , because I 've , I 've gone on for weeks with it , you
18 But I 've fallen on to the floor often enough to know how to get up .
19 I 've stayed on to help but not once have you met me so much as half-way .
20 Well the thing is you see I think wha from what I 've gathered on from the radio programme is that the actual erm the attitude of the kids to the metro had got so much worse that they 're having to do something about it
21 an used to be called metermarism and I say , it 's not a word it 's not a term I 've seen on for many many years and you do n't seen it many erm modern organic texts .
22 Not s in a sense just by individual feudal landlords , but by landlords saying well I 'm , I 'm not really feudal anyway , that I 've moved on from that , I am a commercial landlord rather than a feudal landlord .
23 I 've passed on to him the invitation to the training course on Saturday 5th September and asked him to let you know if he is able to attend .
24 ‘ I understand people associating me with bands I 've worked on as an engineer , but I do n't understand why I am the only engineer in the world who 's expected to be discriminating about the bands he 's worked with … ’
25 I 've put on over a stone
26 Now erm how have we got er I 've next thing on the handout is something I 've stuck on about the way in which erm er well it 's what I 've just covered about the the way in which some sorts of therapies for people who 've been abused as children tend to embody rather heterosexist assumptions which has been stated by Jenny Kissinger for example .
27 That 's one of the reasons I 've carried on with mine . ’
28 I 've got on to something . ’
29 I 've got on without it long enough .
30 I have gone on to be exhibited there almost every year .
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