Example sentences of "[pers pn] have [verb] on the " in BNC.

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1 So that 's why , you know , three different sorts of reminders that I 've put on the front of the calendar card .
2 With no qualifications and precious little experience , she has taken on the job of Princess of Wales and is turning it into a significant career — and at the same time has brought up two small boys .
3 She has taken on the sophisticated royal machine and beaten it at its own game .
4 Christina warmed to her and was glad for the trouble she 'd taken on the Morris 's account .
5 He wished that he could as easily delete the memory of what had followed after she had switched on the overhead light .
6 She had switched on the light and as she walked back towards him , he could see her legs again through the dress .
7 She talked as if she had taken on the mantle of Philip Marlowe , a female arch sleuth for whom the teeming underworld held no secrets .
8 There 's a pier here which we 've put on the new map erm and this is south promenade .
9 No-one cared how long we had taken on the route .
10 The two sisters were both in their fifties , both ex-nurses , neither ever married ; they 'd taken on the restaurant as a late-life decision when their father had died and left them a shared inheritance .
11 As far as I know , Sainsburys have n't yet taken that decision they 've they 've hung on the brink for more than six months now .
12 What Butthole Surfers have done , what made and makes them so crucial , is that they 've taken on the sonic possibilities bequeathed still unexplored and underdeveloped by acid rock but have jettisoned many of the disabling attitudes that originally trammelled that music — sophistication , expertise , the counter-cultural impulse to edify .
13 But there have been people so sunk in self-blame they 've taken on the guilt of their firm 's collapse — which really does have to be nonsense .
14 They have taken on the single-seat Broburn Wanderlust sailplane stored since the mid-1940s at Farnborough , Hants .
15 He has carried on the good work this term and is well on the way to establishing himself in the top 10 with 16 wins in the current campaign .
16 They also failed to take him seriously , and made him angry , but he has carried on the struggle .
17 To prove his point he has taken on the legal profession and , with no legal training whatsoever , tied judges in such knots they have overruled each other .
18 By the halfway stage he has taken on the slightly desperate , bloodshot aspect of the tragic hero about to be engulfed by the forces he has unleashed : ‘ I shall resolutely ignore everything but the skeletal essentials of my theme , ’ he declares ( ‘ Off , off you lendings ! ’ ) .
19 In his day he has taken on the big guns of industry , commercialised culture and of whole countries ( who can easily forget his devastating portrait of Mrs Thatcher and the fawning Saatchi brothers ? ) .
20 But the issue of Somerset House , which he has put on the political agenda , will not fade .
21 ‘ I 'm not saying I did n't lift my arm and I 'm sorry for the embarrassment it has brought on the club and our supporters .
22 It had taken on the private circulating libraries and won , but in winning the battle it lost a war , perhaps even the war that Gladstone so acutely saw they were fighting .
23 On April 4 President Özal announced that Turkey had admitted 100,000 Kurdish refugees , reversing its previous decision to close its borders ( which it had taken on the grounds that it had neither the infra-structure nor the resources to cope with the flood of Kurdish refugees ) .
24 Hastily he redirected his attention towards the circular screen that he had hung on the wall in place of an oil painting of some horned , scaly jungle monster .
25 The respect afforded him in England had partly to do with the manner in which he had taken on the mantle of English culture ; in the absence of any figure with equivalent influence , he was eventually to be invested with an almost shamanistic authority .
26 Before long he became part-time Bursar , and on his retirement from teaching in the late 1950s he had taken on the post full-time .
27 Well he had to switch on the interior light to be able to fill out the form .
28 takes over , Blackburn push it wide , at last has found some space but comes across to try and close him down , support just behind from , it 's a woeful cross from and it 's easily cleared by Shrewsbury Town right up to the centre circle , where it 's taken on the chest of Nicky .
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