Example sentences of "[pers pn] have [verb] from [adj] " in BNC.

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31 Many were shot in the back as they ran , and I was one of the few who reached the trench we had started from unhurt — alive , even .
32 And erm we used to work from seven o'clock in the morning until seven at night , we had to walk from New Invention to Hall because there were n't any buses and erm there were some girls , some girls worked at Legs have you heard of
33 There can be no justification for the comments we have heard from certain leaders of right wing er trade unions , who wish to take away the very principle of what we 're talking about , the block vote , especially one , when one of 'em , allegedly , who have n't even bothered to pay their contributions to the General Election Fund .
34 They will rightly look to a Labour Government who will not look at the matter in the narrow economic calculus that we have heard from Conservative Members but will recognise that , unless we are prepared to accept the role of women in the labour force , we will fail as an economy to receive and achieve our full potential .
35 For the women 's movement now this is one of the most important issues we have to deal with — our relationships with each other and the eradication of all the oppressions we have inherited from capitalist patriarchy .
36 ‘ The Palace is playing a dangerous game in not telling the whole truth because we have seen from other countries , Romania , Bulgaria , Austria and Belgium , when monarchies are not open with their people they lose support and even disappear . ’
37 I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman for raising such a point , rather than displaying the ridiculous opposition that we have seen from Labour , which still seems pledged to getting rid of some of the finest schools in the state education system .
38 Finally , we have gathered from recent select committee reports that it is the intention of the Government to allow annual flexibility on the allocation of funds to each of the beneficiaries .
39 So we have to move from old structures to new but the first new government of South Africa will be a compromise in itself because it will be a united government but it will inherit not a post-apartheid state as many academics and politicians tell us it will inherit a nil-apartheid state and that is a very big difference we still have to move to the post-apartheid situation which could take decades .
40 With regard to bids to become technology schools , my hon. Friend will be heartened by the quality of the bids that we have received from individual schools , including some exceptionally good schools in Labour-controlled areas .
41 These are some of the stories which we have received from SPRED groups in the Wirral …
42 Bourdieu wished to retain what we have learnt from structural analysis , and yet to mitigate its objectivist implications by emphasizing that such structures produce not rules but dispositions , and underlie not determinacy but strategy .
43 One is that , because we have evolved from other animals , it makes sense to project downwards from ourselves .
44 The bullet avoids in this , well very briefly , erm about for half a dozen of them , first of all erm , I 'd like members to be aware of the increasing interest being taken by the Department of Transport in the Ipswich transportation strategy and the Ipswich traffic study before that , the predictions we have from our consultants for the year two thousand and six and particularly their interest in their own trunk road system around Ipswich and the capacity of the Orwell Bridge , so that Department of Transport in Bedford are suddenly come to life to see what 's happening and have requested access to the information we have required from previous investment and consultancy work and the panel of members , the joint panel of members Ipswich , Suffolk recently gave approval to expose for being their findings of our work to the Department of Transport , which I think is a very good move and , and only be of some valuable to us ultimately .
45 A confrontationalism which we have learned from modern politics .
46 They are socially mobile , many of them having risen from working class backgrounds to new heights in the class structure .
47 They 'd gone from legless to stone cold sober in nothing flat .
48 For more than a century , they 've come from far and wide to Tenbury Wells for the pre Christmas auction of holly , mistletoe and wreaths .
49 The reasoning offered by the court centred on the fact that such persons had special access to inside information which arose from communications they had received from primary insiders .
50 The Italian team went on to suggest a solution they had prepared from simple chemicals available in the fourteenth century .
51 In a recent National Computing Centre survey , 41% of respondents said they had suffered from physical security breaches , the most common cause being power failure .
52 All fees were abolished — they had gone from elementary schools in 1918 , at the end of the First World War , and now parents in Cardiff would not have to pay ten guineas per annum for access to Blake and Donne .
53 On top of this , Germany 's trading partners have benefited less than they had hoped from increased demand in Germany .
54 They had sprouted from buried wood in the vegetable garden and sported livid blue-green , slimy caps .
55 Laura Davies , Sue Strudwick , Trish Johnson and Nicholas yesterday all spoke as one on the subject of how , but for the support they had had from certain European sponsors down the years , they would all be thinking in terms of pulling out of playing in Europe altogether .
56 She thought they had started from different points , although she had wanted to marry him after only a few meetings because he ‘ felt good to be with ’ .
57 The man who 's just won an election usually thinks things have gone from to better and the man who 's lost it thinks they have gone from bad to worse .
58 The Government has withdrawn funding for new house building , and refused to allow councils to spend the receipts they have gained from new house owners .
59 Now that he has retired from full time teaching , Guisborough-based John Brelstaff is able to devote more of his time to painting and has been able to resume the work left off when he left the Slade in the mid-Fifties .
60 From birth he has suffered from severe physical disabilities .
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