Example sentences of "[pers pn] and then he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 my daddy goes erm where will you be so I can in touch with you by phone laughing cos they were shouting at me and then he said to me and then I told him it was n't and he goes so why do you go
2 He says that to me and then he turns round and says that they were all taking the piss out of Gemma because she 's got thunder thighs and she has n't , that 's the whole point !
3 Jus just spell them to me and then he 's got to read .
4 Mr P R Field of the Oldbury Steam Live Railway Museum ( Bridgnorth ) was our guest speaker on 2 February 1990 when he gave his views on Britain 's railways over the years , first explaining that it was in Scotland that he began to take an interest in them and then he become ‘ hooked ’ !
5 Collects them and then he started pulling their heads off when he got fed up with them .
6 As you say he he 's gets Ormanroyd just drags it past him and then he does er Agnew coming in he just him .
7 He sipped the lager she bought him and then he said : ‘ Tell me what Ruby was up to .
8 only him and then he said you know
9 ‘ Someone could have hit him and then he fell over and hit himself on the fender or the door-jamb or the bedpost — ’
10 Erm and then what he did was , he they went through it together and he showed her what to do and she followed him and and as she did things right he praised her and gave her feedback and said she 'd done it correctly and then then when there were things did n't understand she questioned him and then he clarified her .
11 And I said oh that 's right , he said and I , I 'd come up and see her the first we 'll either take her out for a drink afterwards , I thought that does n't seemed to mix in one glass , and I going to a pub because she 's , but there you are , and she so 's erm , can I bet you 'll stay a bit , she said oh , I think December is your like it to be , well obviously it 's getting him settled you must n't over , she must off pushed him and then he 's said erm , I , I 've told mum and dad that if they want to go as well , they can go .
12 Yeah , well I know but er he had n't seen anyone , he reckons for well over a year and when phoned me up I agreed to have lunch with him and then he gave me an earful about all sorts of things including erm in Norwich issuing net fares on Norwich Amsterdam .
13 She went to him and then he flitted away .
14 ‘ Well , we pushed him and then he jumped , I think .
15 ‘ Do n't worry , total silence , ’ Wayne had assured her and then he 'd loaded the ovens into the van and left her to make her way upstairs , touching the wall as she went .
16 Müller made soothing noises while Eloise moved seats to comfort her and then he settled back to plan what he must do .
17 Well er , she said they had this This is Your Life on and Neil was in the room in the lounge like and he 'd sort of been half watching it and then he said urgh mum !
18 The building , then you got the re-fit and you got ta re-furbish it and then he had a
19 so he sits there erm , and you know you involve in our conversation , but he sits there talking to her and then he sort of feels out of it and then he storms off
20 His Mum went to open it and then he heard it close again .
21 Bob , Bob , for a bit and he done a few miles on it and then he sold it to somebody else in the garage .
22 Matilda said , ‘ There 's a boy down the road who got some Superglue on his finger without knowing it and then he put his finger to his nose . ’
23 and then he 's , he 's going out and they 're coming like that direction and he 's looked round and he 's seen the soldier , doing it , he 's gone and this is how I did it and then he put his , like this and he stuck his hands up and as his done that he 's got shot through the body from the side , what 's
24 no , no , but once he 's taken it and then he 's come round and erm he realizes what it 's , what he 's done , yeah .
25 Well a great situation Scott Gemmell followed up the long ball picked up the as they ran at the defence and then he 's committed to play it and then he 's just just slid it in nicely for Kingsley Black on his left side .
26 His body stiffened ; there was a change in him , Robyn felt it , knew it and then he drew back and she saw in a fleeting moment his own look of self-disgust .
27 For a second his eyes met hers and then he came to her quickly , his body covering her own , pressing her down into the softness of the bed , his skin against hers an almost unbearable pleasure .
28 And this how li , this is how God spreads the gospel , this is how he spreads his message through his people through using his pe , using in the very best sense of the word , he does n't make use of us he involves us in his work , and so , he saves us , he satisfies us and then he sends us forth , and he does that with this woman .
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