Example sentences of "[pers pn] and [vb base] [pron] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 And I think you 've got ta address my doubts because if I have doubts how am I going to stand in front of members and say hang on a minute , I can give you all of these answers , I can tell you what unison 's going to be like and this is what 's been decided , now come back to me and give me your fears , give me your doubts and I 'll go and take them on to represent you .
2 I give you one bio-day exactly to make contact with me and give me your answer . ’
3 There she would lick them and give them her scent and then allow them to feed alongside her own kittens .
4 To do that job you would have to take in all the deer in every year , weigh and measure them and give them their dose , and feed them while you did it .
5 When it is pointed out that a number of Labour programmes have been markedly radical , as in 1945 and 1983 , then it is claimed that the leaders have failed to be behind them and give them their solid backing and support .
6 You will find that people will confide in you and tell you their secrets and unveil their emotions if you are prepared to listen to them .
7 I want to gorge on life with you , I want to take your strength from you and give you my care .
8 A sergeant appears from what a plate beside the door indicates is the dentist 's and I go up to him and tell him my name and that I 've been told to report my movements by Detective Inspector McDunn .
9 He does n't know where we are at the moment and if the authorities catch up with him and give him my address it will be more trouble than it 's worth . ’
10 She had written to him while he was in prison but had received no reply , but then she had excused him in her own mind , telling herself he would be free soon , then he would come home to her and make her his bride .
11 I mean we 've got to offer it to her and see what her ultimate decision is .
12 Having been drawn into the awareness , having re-experienced it in our bodies , we can then stand outside it and see what its meaning is for us .
13 If you could see your way to writing the first chapters of an autobiography I would be honoured to read it and give you my thoughts on the subject .
14 WE ARE considering starting a home in Belfast for older deaf people and the Dublin deaf were here to advise us and tell us their experiences in the South .
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