Example sentences of "[pers pn] and [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She was ten years older than me and already married to Jens , himself the youngest son of a neighbouring farmer , without property of his own .
2 She would then speak as if talking to herself , but what she said was aimed at me and usually struck to the core of my being , so that I was stunned into silence …
3 It has stayed with me and currently resides in my DOS directory .
4 She kissed me and then glared into my face .
5 Say you were too tired this morning to remember to ask for permission to get up early to meet me and then woke at the right time and did n't want to let me down .
6 Please do this for me and then forget about Your humble servant , Sophie Arandt
7 He looked at me and then sucked at his pipe again and shrugged his shoulders .
8 And perhaps , she decided , being realistic , as long as she did not let things go too far it would do her no harm to stop trying to resist them and simply go with the flow of her feelings for a while .
9 Items such as sweets and toys are often displayed at a low level — so that children will see them and either ask for them or buy them .
10 Sammy Pike reappeared and joined them and Amiss edged towards them , keeping an eye out for unwelcome observers .
11 Parents feed their babies , cuddle them , change their nappies , smooth cream on their bottoms , bath them , tickle them and generally communicate through bodily involvement .
12 The Ford slowed down in front of them and slowly came to a halt , blocking the entire road .
13 However , most boards tended to extract material when it suited them and rarely adhered to the time-scale or suggestions for different kinds of activity .
14 He was polishing glasses and he held them up to the light to check them and thereby seemed to be ignoring Maidstone completely .
15 The extent to which society is prepared to divert resources of money and skilled manpower to the treatment , education and care of the physically handicapped is always a telling indication of the extent to which society accepts them and truly cares about their welfare .
16 After the two pictures for Leone , Van Cleef stayed in Europe to make pale imitations of them and only returned to Hollywood in 1970 for El Condor which unwisely made him a sympathetic character .
17 The initial setting up could be carried out by them and then circularised to the nearest branches some time before September in order for the most capable branch to make an offer for the franchise .
18 Well I would suggest that you record them and then listen to them .
19 For the ‘ dogmatic dialectic ’ , as he describes dialectical materialism , the whole question naturally poses no problem , for each person or group simply constitutes a partial moment of an already operative movement of totalization that produces them and then goes beyond them .
20 For some time she looked round the garden for them and then went into the house .
21 They both glanced behind them and then moved into the coloured shadows of the necromancer 's storeroom .
22 They are rubbed with salt to dry cure them and then coated with a mixture of spices , including juniper , and molasses , which is mainly responsible for the black appearance of the ham .
23 Auctions are a good source of supply because many companies run them and then dispose of sound examples in the sale ring .
24 Gilbert had been standing next to them and almost fell down the stairs in his efforts to get away from those doors as something shouldered them open .
25 There were thousands of the creatures flying above them and ominously silhouetted on the witch trees at the edge of the plain .
26 What has been attempted in this chapter has been the clarification that so far the traditional values of catholic nationalism are still dominant among the Roman catholics of Ireland , even if they are severely contested by a significant minority from among them and lukewarmly subscribed to by a further significant minority .
27 Our fathers slept with their Browning Army-issue pistols beside them and sometimes rushed into the starry African night , blazing away at burglars we never saw .
28 And when you 're about to complete the C C Q you must make it clear that the information given to you and subsequently transferred to the C C Q is in strictest confidence .
29 crazy manoeuvres to nip in front of you and then drive like a snail !
30 And he bou he bought me this top and he bought me a , a polo neck and bought me a C D and then we went out to supper and then we went to a pub and everything and erm , you know , had a really decent conversation with him and just talking to him makes me think , you know , and it dawns on me that he 's just a big he 's just a big child and he 's not , he 's never grown , he 's not , you 're not gon na grow up .
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