Example sentences of "[pers pn] and [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And I and when you 've had it a long time you
2 Very pleased to have yours and as I said in my last it 's your money , God has been very kind to you and you must n't fly up in the face of his kindness and I wish you had not taken this step , your Uncle Steve says property 's more trouble than it 's worth .
3 Eddie Gilfoyle also told workmates the baby was not his and that he had ‘ family problems ’ .
4 A MAN told police that a block of cannabis found in his mother 's freezer was his and that he intended to supply it to others , Darlington magistrates heard yesterday .
5 She has been good to me and although she knows there is something wrong and maybe suspects there is something I have not told her about she gives nothing away .
6 ‘ It 's been a lifelong ambition of mine to beat him but at the big jump before Ballyboley Corner , Joey whizzed past me and although I tried to catch him again and take a tight line at Ballyboley he had just too much experience and he held on to beat me .
7 This time my reaction to the knowledge that in all probability cancer was back with me and that I had a dreaded secondary was quite different from my reaction on first being told of the disease six months earlier .
8 ‘ Felipe is just angry that Mitch touched me and that I did not repulse him quickly .
9 ‘ Please , I hope you get the million you want to fight me and that you do n't bottle out , ’ said WBO super-middleweight champion Eubank .
10 I said that I accepted that maybe he hated me and that he wanted nothing to do with me .
11 George Roman read me and after I 'd done the first reading he asked me about my own attitudes to the Part and then told me his as a director , which were completely different .
12 ‘ I wo n't get a fellow , I 'm from nowhere , a decent fellow would n't be able to talk about me and where I came from .
13 And erm so er er if people do that And er this this businessman , this week , he he rang and he he was sending messages via the secretary , instead of getting on the phone to me and and me finding out what there was , he finally he s he said There 'll be about an hour 's work .
14 ‘ He tried to stab me and and I felt something in my back between my shoulder blades .
15 I appreciate the trouble you 've gone to with me and if I 've said anything … ’
16 I always find much of interest in each issue as it reaches me and if I do criticise from time to time , this is meant to be constructive and helpful .
17 PAMELA : I can not say what you ought to do , but only beg you will not ruin me and if you think me virtuous let me go to my poor parents .
18 The big , heavy blue door loomed before me and as I knocked I heard Mr Simons shuffling along the partially carpeted hall to greet me .
19 cos I said you 'll be here to midnight David and then on the day we were going he stopped me and Jane , little Jane , she was coming down the stairs behind me , I 'd been up for a fax , and I do n't know where she 'd been , she was behind me and as she come down the stairs I was listening and he said got her hand ooh he said I am gon na miss you my dear , so she said yes I 'll miss Hodems as well , he said you have got a way with your words have n't you , he said for one strange minute I thought you were gon na say you 'll miss me too
20 He just leaned on me and when he caught me with a left hook I was given a standing count .
21 I did expect you to drop everything for me and when you did n't I did n't run after you , not because I was too proud to but because I was afraid , just as you were afraid .
22 I just thought that you would come after me and when you did n't …
23 He goes to sleep with me and when I wake up
24 He 'd disliked anyone complimenting me and when I 'd done well in a race he 'd found it difficult to offer congratulations .
25 Sixty six she was , so in we go , and it 's got open to the general public , so this man said to her something about I ca n't serve you I 've had a robbery , she said I do n't know why they advertise it on the window if he 's , if he 's not prepared to serve me and when I looked round there was all the taken over , they had a burglary .
26 ‘ It was a character that I felt to be a very basic part of me and when I read it I had that immediate connection with him .
27 These kids was coming at us once and six of them grabbed hold of me and when I turned round all the others had fucked off and left me to get a kicking …
28 Marie was waiting for me and when I caught up with her she linked her arm in mine .
29 I did n't like it there , so my mother came to see me and when she seen the bairn she just says , ‘ Come home . ’
30 The grim knowledge that she was on the verge of suffocation appalled me and when she stumbled and almost fell the hand in my pocket gripped more tightly on the scalpel which I had taken from my car along with the adrenalin .
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