Example sentences of "[pers pn] be know from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Leeds City , or the Peacocks as they were known from the gold V-shaped band on their blue strip , climbed to a more secure position in mid-table in the months after Chapman took over .
2 Or possibly it was of Norman origin , for it is known from a twelfth-century description of London that bull-baiting was practised by them .
3 However , it is known from the research into performance indicators that clinical teams with similar levels of resources produce different amounts of services ( Yates & Davidge , 1984 ) .
4 Boddenham is not traceable later than 1459 ; and it is known from the membership list of the confraternity of St Nicholas , the London guild of parish clerks , that Bedingham ( already a member in 1449 ) died between 3 May 1459 and 22 May 1460 .
5 It is known from the account of Ali Tusi 's life in the that while muderris at the Uc Serefeli medrese in Edirne with a salary of 100 akce a day , he was ordered by Mehmed II to compete with Hocazade , then muderris at the Zeyrek medrese in Istanbul , in writing a between al-Ghazali 's Tuhafut al-falasifa and the philosophers .
6 Roux 's results were published for the first time in 1888 : three years later I tried to repeat this fundamental experiment on another subject and by a somewhat different method , It was known from the cytological researches of the brothers Hertwig and Boveri that the eggs of the common sea urchin are able to stand well all sorts of rough treatment , and that , in particular , when broken into pieces by shaking their fragments , will survive and continue to cleave .
7 It was known from the start that the camera had this problem with the central strip .
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