Example sentences of "[pers pn] be in [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The skills and expertise required to manage or advise them are in many respects different to those required in a large organization .
2 I am in many senses neither asleep nor awake .
3 ‘ Others more qualified than I am in these matters can comment on the economic sense or otherwise of the proposed pit closures .
4 Never for the future come near me when I am in these tumults unless I send for you .
5 er we we 've we 've agreed the table on on the base basis of erm information best information available a at the moment but but equally I would n't wish it to be seen th that I am in any way attempting to prejudge the outcome of er local plan studies , erm so the information that I 've agreed with with Mr C Cunnane is basically an attempt to clarify the tabulation fo er in
6 I am in any case no judge of beauty .
7 I am in any case rather intrigued by the project !
8 If and in so far as there are any presumptions which assist in my conclusions ( and I instinctively dislike introducing presumptions in reaching a decision of fact as crucial as this ) , the presumption that a state of affairs continues until the evidence suggests that it no longer pertains is more to the point than the submission of Mr. Levy that the sanctity of life is so vital an interest to protect that if I am in any doubt that should take precedence .
9 ‘ As you seem to panic when I am in any danger , ’ he murmured sardonically , ‘ I will leave by the normal method .
10 Perhaps it stems from a sensation that I am in some way making a prediction of awful catastrophe , and not just telling a story .
11 I will pass in silence over my feelings for you , for they can mean little to you at present ( though I am in some doubt as to when ‘ at present ’ is ) , though I assure you that what briefly flowered between us one morning is a blossom that will not perish , however many mornings remain .
12 I am in some pain . ’
13 I am in some pain . ’
14 ‘ Mr Beckenham , since I am in some sort indebted to you , I will , if you please , refrain from making you any answer , for I can not take it upon myself to do so without speaking to you in a manner which must sound both insolent and ungrateful ! ’
15 I no more say who I am in this case than I say I 'm off to my wife 's right in the lost-in-cloud case .
16 This is one illustration of the process which Bartlett ( 1932 ) called ‘ turning round on one 's own schemata ’ — ‘ I am in this state therefore this must be so ’ rather than the direct retrieval from a store .
17 Nevertheless , as long as I am in this world I remain a sinner , still capable of letting him down .
18 But it 's kind of a shame , because I 'm only one element of blackness that you can see on television , and I 'll tell you , if I 'd been a kid and seen someone like me on telly , I 'd be a hell of a lot happier about the way I am in this world . ’
19 Our recruitment to English ( and it is with English that I am in this paper principally concerned ) was again untypical .
20 The Government buildings along the Embankment drop away behind us , and here I am in another world , another life .
21 Yeah cos I 've been coming round at , cos you said I 'm in all day , you know sort of any time .
22 I 'm alright when I 'm in that position , right ?
23 Oh it 's gon na take me half an hour to decide what I want now , I 'm in that kind of mood !
24 ‘ The sooner I 'm in that pool again , the happier I 'll be . ’
25 you know so erm so some er a lot more should 've been done about actually getting , even if it was just well I 'm in that area , I 'm in the area on such and such a day anyway so I can call in to see you .
26 ‘ Because I 'm in that business myself .
27 I 'm in that house , following your every move until you go to bed .
28 Ken was in the midst of one of his severe pile problems and kept saying , ‘ I 'm in such agony , I 've got to blow off . ’
29 Scrawls I might enjoy , on their own , but unfortunately they are not just mere scuttles — oh , no , it seems I 'm in some kind of a scuttle-free universe — these scuttles spell something .
30 Erm I 'm in I 'm in some difficulty because this is this is a matter that 's arisen since the original matters er matters for discussion were drawn up so I 'm not able to give you the formal views of the council in that respect .
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