Example sentences of "[pers pn] be [vb pp] to the " in BNC.

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1 Descendants of the nomadic ‘ hordes ’ of Central Asia , many of them are related to the minority peoples of the Soviet Union , whom they closely resemble .
2 The hypotheses , formed after his observations , are many ; but most of them are related to the empirical findings of a long tradition and the world is spared a too individualistic interpretation of some of Nature 's more self-willed manifestations .
3 Excuse me , can I finish , er many of them are chained to the parent 's legs while they 're collected for these people then to bring to a circus , traumatized and chained to the ground for life .
4 The identity booklet ( or key card ) together with any messages or letters that may be waiting for them are handed to the guest .
5 ‘ Well , I 'll tell ye — nine hundred and ninety-nine of them are glued to the Holy Writ of Economic Theory ; the remaining one , which ought to be fixed on Ireland , is blind . ’
6 Eventually , I am called to the front to pay my fee .
7 I am attuned to the subtle traffic of the air .
8 I am blinded to the heart .
9 As sad as I am at being wrenched away from the telly , I am led to the bar .
10 I am attracted to the idea of a printed Directory of Committees in a number of parts :
11 The schemata are gardens of meditation and when I think of poetry , I am taken to the far country of Li Po , and then I see Thoreau and Jnandas and Rumi and a hundred poets ; their images throng my mind and I am moved and tears come to my eyes .
12 I am driven to the conclusion that in the present state of the law , article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights , and equally article 19 of the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ( to similar effect ) do apply .
13 In describing the position in the terms : ‘ the bank told Kennedy to go home and discuss the matter with his wife over the weekend , ’ I am forced to the conclusion that the judge must either have overlooked the evidence to which I have just referred , or to have failed to appreciate its significance .
14 The full vessels are left on the empty shore , they are for use but I am carried to the river in your arms , and I dance to the rhythms of your heart-throbs and heaving of the waves .
15 I am addicted to the twentieth century .
16 I am directed to the man at the end .
17 I am committed to the coal industry , but not blindly so , as are some Labour Members .
18 Without his attention , I am martyred to the wheel .
19 I am come to the right house , then , ’ Theda retorted .
20 May I be introduced to the others ? ’
21 and I 'm polished to the nails .
22 Eventually as the rapids calm down I 'm swept to the river bank , exhausted , shaking , but mercifully only a little battered .
23 I 'm called to the phone urgently .
24 I 'm gone to the shop .
25 He has a gorilla mask on and he talks with the voice of a baby and he has a huge syringe and I 'm tied to the seat screaming .
26 ‘ Officially I 'm attached to the Washington Post .
27 I 'm frozen to the bone . ’
28 Thank God I 'm addicted to the stuff .
29 ‘ Tomorrow we 'll talk some more but I 'm pretty sure I 'm recommitted to the sonnet . ’
30 ‘ Well ’ — Joe laughed now — ‘ it 'll give me a bit of practice before I 'm introduced to the real thing , and that should n't be long now . ’
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