Example sentences of "[pers pn] be [vb pp] [subord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Those who secure the fewest votes in each successive count are eliminated , and votes originally given to them are transferred as in a full-scale STV election .
2 I am baffled as to why ‘ New Britons ’ — particularly those ‘ too young to be yet imbued with the wisdom that comes with age ’ should be singled out .
3 The monitors alone are so loud that I am baffled as to how the crew operate without some type of semaphore system .
4 In some ways I am seen as beyond the pale , but it is the newer MPs who I feel most sorry for .
5 If I am forced because of this to return — what then ?
6 Usually I was challenged as to why I was not reading law , which was always quoted as the ‘ proper ’ subject for a police officer .
7 I was struck as by an obscenity , and unprepared for what followed .
8 I was bamboozled as to the town 's attraction , and I still am .
9 Since I was imprisoned because of you , it is only common human benevolence that you should help me now .
10 I was induced because of high blood pressure and I had a pessary at midday .
11 If you are insulted because of the name of Christ , you are blessed , because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you .
12 Disablement Benefit is paid as a weekly pension but you will only be paid if you are assessed as at least 14 per cent disabled .
13 Double Benefits of £80 per day for a period of up to one year — if you 're hospitalised because of an accident .
14 Given that he does n't want to see you and your suspicion is that he does n't want to see you because you have as it were the fingerprints of Gerry Adams on you now you 're tainted because of your relationship with Gerry Adams , what do you now do ?
15 Since a Prime Minister without a majority in the Commons is an impossibility , he or she is seen as in a position to make any law he or she sees as fit .
16 It was the not fault of my client , that just as the Visitor seemed to be gaining the trust of the young person who is the subject of this enquiry ( she was a child when the case was first brought to their attention as in need of care and protection but is now classed as a young person ) she was transferred because of area reorganisation undertaken in response to changes in government policy , and that the officer who took over the case was hospitalised shortly after she assumed her new duties .
17 They fear she was assassinated because of her studies with indigenous and displaced peoples .
18 So , it was argued , she was mistaken as to the essential character of the document she signed and of the transaction which it effected .
19 She was killed because of it … ’
20 This was the first case in Tanzania of its kind : she argued that she was dismissed because of her sex .
21 The entire thing was entirely trumped up and she was absolved because of the publicity we gave the case .
22 Yet a year earlier the Court of Appeal decided that a different girl of ten should not be adopted by her foster parents to whom she was attached because of her birth mother 's objections that adoption would result in the loss of contact between brother and sister ( The Times , 19 February 1987 , p. 3 ) .
23 However he went on to find that Miss T. was lulled into a sense of false security by hospital staff and that she was misinformed as to the availability and effectiveness of alternative procedures .
24 Er , yes we do er , our overall television strategy has been to establish er , a U K base , where we are restricted because of the newspaper ownership in most cases other than B Sky B to twenty percent , though the rules may change and our strategy is to develop er , overseas , both in erm , er , broadcasting and , and , and in programming .
25 Can we be informed as to what action will be taken to prevent a repetition ?
26 We were disliked because of things that had happened in the past and we did n't need any motivation when we kept hearing that sort of talk .
27 I was n't ever convinced we were attacked because of that business .
28 Immediately pressing a few flowers from this bouquet will ensure that they are preserved while in top condition , and mean that the remaining flowers can be enjoyed in a colourful arrangement .
29 Prisoners ( unless they are imprisoned because of failing to pay their community charge ) .
30 Despite the squeeze on hospital budgets , health professionals visiting from the United Kingdom are likely to be struck more strongly in the leading New York voluntary hospitals by the relatively lavish level at which they are equipped than by their shortage of money , perhaps because they can shape the patient population that they actually serve to match the funding available .
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