Example sentences of "[pers pn] be [adv] when [art] " in BNC.

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1 And I was here when the Colonel died .
2 I was here when the father witnessed the recovery of his son .
3 I was there when the bailiffs arrived .
4 I told you about what she was like when the car would n't start did n't I ?
5 Reviews of exhibiting societies ' shows have constantly presented difficulties to critics , as it is only possible to give brief comments on some of the artists ' work ; how could it be otherwise when an exhibiting society shows several thousand works ?
6 And it stays like that throughout , so the baby does not use its mechanism to control the temperature , it 's kept at that constant degree of warmth and it 's only when the baby comes out that it has to start looking after itself .
7 yes , because it 's only when the scheme actually starts to operate that you can er get a clear picture of what the cost are going to be , they are budgets , they are estimates and until you start incurring costs you ca n't be absolutely certain as to how the costs are gon na end up
8 By implication , these models should not be used , as they often are , to evaluate different policy regimes , since it is precisely when a different policy regime is adopted that they become unreliable .
9 But in terms of , in terms of actual copper , I mean it is actually when the , when the plotter goes over that pad that is gon na be connected .
10 There is a great need to study the context of such deserted or shrunken settlements , since it is only when a region is studied in its entirety that we can get some idea of the changes which have taken place in settlements and the settlement pattern in the area .
11 Because — you must all understand — it is only when an exchange is made that we can narrow down the area of search to concentrate our resources .
12 We remember the pain and suffering of millions who have died throughout the ‘ Third World ’ , fighting for the most basic of human rights , and we reflect shamefully on the fact that it is only when the US and their allies face the prospect of their own children dying that this war is truly acknowledged .
13 But it is only when the parent quark and radiated gluon themselves have relatively high energies that the jets from each can be clearly distinguished .
14 A simpler interpretation is that the experimenters have rediscovered what Lashley ( 1950 ) showed many years ago , that partial removal of the cortical area to which the dorsal lateral geniculate body projects , has remarkably little effect on simple form discrimination tasks and that it is only when the entire cortical projection zone is removed that severe deficits , detectable in the simple behavioural paradigms we use , emerge .
15 In the case of protozoan parasites , and indeed gill and skin flukes in particular , almost every Koi carries around a resident population — it is only when the balance is tipped in favour of the invaders , rather than the host , that human intervention will be necessary .
16 For Lacan notes how it is only when the infant encounters itself in a ‘ mirroring ’ image that a form is set up for the face and body ; the mirror provides a perceptual gestalt ‘ ideal ’ form , which does not reflect a reality since it differs from the subject 's fragmentary experience .
17 The decision to publish will involve a calculation of many risks — it is only when the apparition of a successful legal action tips the balance against publishing a story of genuine public interest that " freedom of expression " has been meaningfully curtailed by law .
18 Er it was n't too bad , it was there when the war ended .
19 It was as if it was only when the surf was at its most savage that the ghost of Eddie Aikau could be expected to revisit the Bay .
20 A small figure was seated beside the trainer and it was only when the two men got out of the car and walked briskly towards them that Kelly saw that it was Cy McCray .
21 The twist to this story is that it was only when the gods lost patience and threatened to draw a veil of darkness across the proceedings , leaving me stranded high and wet ( and rather chilled ) on one of the most rugged landscapes in the land , that I at last took the chance and accepted the offer that had been proffered .
22 Hubel and his colleagues had studied the visual cortex of the rhesus monkey for many years without observing these cells and it was only when the cytochrome oxidase blobs had been demonstrated consistently and they started to look for receptive-field properties within them that they obtained these surprising results .
23 The skin ended up in the Natural History Museum in Copenhagen and it was only when the corpse was examined that it was discovered that sulukongur was in fact a female !
24 The Japanese historian Irokawa Daikichi has suggested that it was only when the economic plight of the early 1880s failed to respond to this conventional morality that some of the lower classes were forced to break out of their limitations in the violent incidents of the time .
25 She raged silently all the way back to the cottage , but it was only when the front door closed behind them that she could trust herself enough to speak .
26 J. was one of these in his capacity as fitter/armourer , and he was there when an accident occurred which could have escalated into absolute disaster .
27 Perhaps what the authorities need to consider in the few months available to them is just when a decision needs to be made .
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