Example sentences of "[pers pn] be [adj] [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 If in doubt , do n't buy and if you are suspicious ring the police and give them as many details as you can .
2 I said well do n't go out till you 're ready , as simple as that , if you do n't think you 're ready stop the way you are
3 And we ourselves became different people from those we had been a minute ago , when we were teasing Filimon the goat or getting into a fight with Pechonkin 's street gang .
4 She told me more or less the same story as Eric — that they are reserving double the usual amount of space for Jefferson over the second half of the year . ’
5 Muddy Waters , Willie Dixon and John Lee Hooker are his contemporaries , but while they were busy shaping the urban blues , Pop stuck to gospel with his family group , the Staple Singers .
6 ‘ Why , it was well dark then , and raining , and they were busy shifting the logs in the Longner cart down to the tail , to be easy to heft out and carry across .
7 Once , while they were busy lighting the fire and sorting out equipment and the guard list , some children playing in Luckets field surreptitiously closed the door and pegged the hasp and clasp .
8 Both tow line and tug line are wire encased in nylon ; if they were just nylon the dogs would chew through them .
9 But if I do that , well , I copy the C four , C six down have C five , C seven and then when I go in and insert the extra rows then er , well that formula 's not going to refer to those new rows that I insert it 's still cell the right of price and the right of sales the wrong sales certainly .
10 Do you not think it 's worthwhile booking the rest of the year 's meetings or shall we do it as we carry on
11 The promotors say their video is a work of art that should n't be judged on how much trade it generates , but some argue unless Oxford breaks away from it 's traditional image the tourists fantasy will never be a heaven for those who live and work there .
12 Oh it 's lovely cause the girls in there wear the kimon
13 It 's high time the Foreign Secretary realised there 's a war on . ’
14 It 's high time the scales fell from our eyes , and our bathrooms .
15 It 's high time the insurance companies allowed buyers to take out a special policy to cover the first month in a new home .
16 It 's high time the label told us something of the state of a pot plant 's native habitat , as well as which windowsill to grow it on .
17 It 's high time , it 's high time the leader of the Conservative Party le learnt to recognise that the Lord Mayor was on his feet and should sit down
18 That 's what this house is here for , it is here to introduce primary legislation if we need it and in my view we do need it in this area and it is it 's high time the government recognised that and should not be afraid t t t to take action simply because primary legislation is required .
19 It 's precious meeting the odd soul on a high top and passing the time of day with them , knowing that no matter who or what they are , you share the same interests in wildlife , wilderness and solitude .
20 7 Question the validity of the release and if it is worthwhile plan the mailing in detail .
21 It is high time the variable quality of international referees and the anomalies that abound in interpretation were sorted out by an International Board Survey .
22 It is high time the Government did something to stop these bombers .
23 It is clear from the above figures that the Liberal Democrats get a rotten hand at each game of election poker and it is high time the system was changed .
24 He said : ‘ It is high time the council chased the laggers who refuse to pay through the courts . ’
25 However , he added : ‘ We think it is high time the French government took responsibility for their citizens and should pay for this kind of damage . ’
26 Charles whispered back that it was utter tripe the Brigadier was waffling .
27 An MP wrote to me , saying it was high time the Commission dropped all this ‘ Victorian nonsense ’ and abandoned such rules .
28 There was no sign of Carrie and although it was milking time the cows were still in the field .
29 Oh yeah , and his dog , yeah likes it as well yeah , they used to leave a tray out for him every night , yeah when it was closing time the dog knew every time it closed , it wo , I mean if they closed at lunchtime it would n't come down it would only come down when they closed up at night .
30 IT was common knowledge the come the new law changes they would almost certainly include the experimental decision to award the put-in following a maul going nowhere to the defending side , so why are we getting so many whingers making their thoughts known whenever they can get their name in print .
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