Example sentences of "[pers pn] be [verb] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I am implying that it 's unnatural , and I want you to talk to your father .
2 At the time of writing I am involved , as I mentioned , in some surveys of visitors to the British Museum and I am hoping that we shall be able to get some schools who had had organized visits to the museum , to obtain essays about the visit from the children involved .
3 I am hoping that we will be able to use two of the students from the Course to be facilitators of these .
4 I am hoping that you will observe that I have fetched in enough buckets of coal this afternoon to spare you having to carry them in tomorrow .
5 I am honoured that you feel you can talk so freely in my presence , Chieh Hsia . ’
6 I am recommending that we take her to the hospital immediately . ’
7 ‘ Methinks I am to be your chaperon — which means , I suppose , that I am to see that you conduct yourself properly and are accompanied suitably whenever you leave these apartments .
8 I am determined that we build solidly rather than build fast . ’
9 We take great pride in the rich heritage and tradition of our the brands , and I am determined that we will preserve and develop their strength with consumers all around the world .
10 I am determined that I 'm going to spend far more time with my child , ’ says Richard .
11 I am assured that you will be well looked after , ’ he reiterated .
12 I made inquiries about the press conference and I am assured that it had nothing to do with this matter .
13 ( Of course , I am assuming that you have learned your part , know what you want to say to your audience or have done your revision . )
14 The first decision — and I am assuming that you are choosing the frame before the pressed flower design has been created — is to decide what shape of picture you want .
15 I am assuming that you have decided not to pursue your initial interest .
16 But I am troubled that he mentions the deaths of British servicemen without any references to the closing of the gates of Mandatory Palestine to the desperate refugees who tried to leave Nazi Germany but found the rest of Europe and the Jewish homeland closed to them .
17 A reply might be that surely I am inferring that I see a sheep in the field from my knowledge of my own present sensory states .
18 I am hypothesising that they do so not only from their conscious memories but also from their world of internal objects which are unconscious .
19 ( I admit I am suggesting that we replace one kind of dualism with another ! )
20 A man threatens your life and our happiness , so I am suggesting that you take steps to protect us . ’
21 Nevertheless , the inflow of complaints continues to grow and I am disturbed that we have not yet been able to make much of an inroad into the backlog of work .
22 Having lived with the passage for years , I am persuaded that it represents — based , as it plainly is , on Aeneid 1 , 341ff. , and 4 — a response to veteris vestigia flammae drastically at odds with Hardy 's response ( which , as we have seen , Pound had apparently not noticed in any case ) .
23 I am bothered that it will never be as underground as when it first started . ’
24 We talk about London and Grand Isle , and all the while I am praying that he will ask us on his boat .
25 Perry fixes his gaze onto Crilly 's ; I am hurt that he has forgotten me so soon .
26 I am feeling that I must hold back .
27 I am informed that you will be amenable to cooperation . ’
28 I am advised that we can purchase the freehold of this property for £40,000 .
29 I am advised that it more than fulfils the requirements of the Standing Order , which is the basis on which I have proposed that the environmental impact assessment should proceed .
30 I am saying that we are confronted , beneath a language which is often common to both parties , with two competing moral philosophies , and that the language of partnership is a mirage , a deliberate and partisan disguise for the fact that one of those philosophies holds power while the other comes from beneath the underdog .
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