Example sentences of "[pers pn] be [noun] in an " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's Carrie 's farvver. 'E 's bin in an accident . ’
2 You look at the jury sitting there politely attentive , like children on their best behaviour because they 're visitors in an alien country and do n't want to make fools of themselves or offend the natives .
3 He felt embarrassed at the thought of walking among the men , assessing them as though they were cattle in an auction market .
4 The tower , like other of the medieval remains of Sauveterre ( all of them numbered and labelled by the tourist authorities , as if they were clues in an architectural treasure hunt ) , is alive with pigeons and with palombes , wisely sitting out the shooting season in town .
5 They were partners in an art gallery that specialized in avant-garde paintings by young artists .
6 In the first legal case of it 's kind in an English court , a man 's been accused of raping his wife .
7 It is legislation in an area in which Parliament itself has not thought it right to legislate and thus , in my view , it steps outside the judicial function .
8 It is belief in an ordered moral government of the universe .
9 Religion can not be divorced from morality in his view for it is belief in an ordered moral government of the universe and when we lose our basis in morality we cease to be religious .
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