Example sentences of "[pers pn] be [noun] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm vice-guildmaster in charge of tourism , you know . ’
2 My mother and I were evacuees in Cumberland , a few hundred miles north .
3 I was horn in March 1947 , at the peak of the Bulge : more babies horn that month than ever before or after , and carried through the terrible winter of 1946–47 .
4 ‘ Since 'e 's bin in wiv that crowd from the Tunnel , though , 'e 's a changed boy .
5 Painted on the walls of a barracks in the last century had been the words , ‘ Legionnaires , you are soldiers in order to die , and I am sending you where you can die . ’
6 You 're spookola in spades this ayem … ‘
7 If you 're $10,000 in debt , it 's twice as worrying as being $5,000 in debt but only half as worrying as being $20,000 in debt .
8 And if you 're $10,000 in debt , and $10,000 comes along — why , then all your worries disappear .
9 They were to remember where they came from : ‘ Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and the Lord your God brought you out with a strong hand and an outstretched arm . ’
10 She is artist in residence at Kettles Yeard , Cambridge
11 She is holiday in Gers , a very exclusive part of France , but would much prefer to be going to Tobago .
12 Admittedly there had been almost no money in it , but he took it as evidence that she was saving in order to leave him .
13 But the money ran out , so she was cutoff in mid-sentence .
14 She was disconsolate in consequence , and seemed to find time hanging heavily on her hands .
15 Well she was Dave in lesson time apparently .
16 She was harmony in sandalwood , a citrine that sang .
17 Also in Saturdays edition ( front page ) , Silver says we sold him cos we are 6m in debt , apparently LUFC owe Silver 1m .
18 She said firmly , ‘ We are colleagues in work . ’
19 ‘ To the people we deal with we are Courtaulds in Italy .
20 We 're fools in love , the pair of us — ’
21 ‘ It almost sounds as if we 're 58% in charge of what we 're doing .
22 It was because we were strangers in bed that we were passionately involved there .
23 But we were opposites in temperament .
24 Warnings of eco-wars and the flight of hundreds of millions of refugees can not be dismissed as fantasies : they are probabilities in situations which become more and more apparent as the century nears its end .
25 They are Rossifloor in Italy , Balsan in France and Cabrita in Belgium .
26 Instead , attitudes are stances taken in matters of controversy : they are positions in arguments ( Billig , 1987a ; Billig , in press ) .
27 Most perching songbirds ( passerine birds ) have to hear their species ’ songs when they are chicks in order to produce normal songs as adults .
28 To that first question , there is the answer that necessarily they are spatio-temporal-things in space and time .
29 In terms of Parry and Parry 's definition , they are professions in name only .
30 And although you know , to all intents and purposes , those appointments are inviolate , I know that they 're in pink on the slide , but they are inviolate in terms of I 'm not going to cede that time to anyone else .
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