Example sentences of "[pers pn] be [noun] of you " in BNC.

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1 once she 's sort of you know
2 So Adam and Eve they go and hide , but it 's not just Adam and Eve , but it 's every one of us , they 're just pictures , they 're representatives of you and of me , they are the federal head of the human race , and Paul with his writing in Romans three , and verse twenty three reminds us , and J B Phillips in his translation , he puts it like this he says every one has sinned , every one falls short of the beauty of God 's plan , that plan , that purpose that God had , not just for creation , not just for humanity in general , but for you as an individual , that purpose that God had , that beautiful plan , far better than you can could work out , out for yourself falling short of it , we 've marred it , we have n't come up to it , if that circle represented just as a diagram as a picture , God 's plan God 's beautiful plan for you and for me still a circle , but dented here , bashed in there
3 Yeah well I du n no I 'm dreading the Easter holidays cos I 've got like erm we 're probably gon na have about two hundred pieces of coursework to mark over Easter then there 's , and they 're sort of you know projecty things and things like that erm and then there 's first week next term there 's like all these second year social , which is well over a hundred of them plus about forty final year projects will come in , plus about I 'm hoping it 'll only be twenty things from Loughborough but it might be as many as , as fifty if the other person gives me all their marking er as they have , they 've given some indication that they will
4 So it 's part of you know , part of the the penalty if you like , of living in the flats .
5 The past does n't just go away , it 's with you , it 's part of you .
6 It 's kind of you to make me so welcome , ’ she said , dazzling him with a very personal smile .
7 it 's kind of you all to spare me the time . ’
8 ‘ Oh , it 's kind of you , but no thanks , ’ said Dolly , still keeping to the floor and the protection of the blanket .
9 It 's kind of you to say so .
10 It 's kind of you , but — ’
11 It 's kind of you , ’ Jenna put in quickly .
12 It 's kind of you to say so .
13 ‘ No , dear — it 's kind of you , but when you get to my age you like to sit quietly and think about the past — and I watch my telly and listen to carols on my old wireless and then the Home Help comes and puts me to bed .
14 It 's kind of you to ring , Miss Rose . ’
15 It 's kind of you to help when you 've got your own practice to run .
16 It 's kind of you anyway .
17 Probably because most of us were n't really , well , quite a few of us anyway were n't thinking about sex at that time , so I suppose it was kind of you know , you just started
18 It was crud of you . ’
19 and I 'm not entirely sure , Marcus did phone me and say , at one point , when he was making up the mailing list , he 's had three hundred copies of that made of the extract and he was kind of you know , sniffing around for who to send them
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